Storm Warning

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Piper had managed to get a tip off about Ravess' squadron on Terra Amazonia, she set a plan for the boys to spy on the Cyclonians and see what they were up to. "And stick to the plan!" Piper yelled after them as they left, Finn poked his head back in giving the crystal expert a large grin. "Don't worry, we will." Nika rolled her eyes and occupied herself with tinkering with another invention of hers, a working scale model of a catapult that could be used on the Condor. She was happy enough that it would work so she used scrunched pieces of paper as the ammunition, something she still had to work out. She fixed it to see if it would go over Piper, since an earlier attempt managed to annoy Radarr as it bonked him right on the nose. Biting her lip, the brunette set off the catapult and immediately regretted it. "Ow! Nika!" Piper yelled after being hit on the side of the face, she turned to the brunette furious. "Sorry..." Nika replied, cheeks going red as she bowed her head. Piper groaned before she snapped at her friend, "Could you not aim that at someone! You've already hit Radarr! How would you like it if someone aimed stuff at you?" Nika clenched her fist, she didn't mean it! "I said I was sorry Piper, if I could change the past I would." Nika hissed before leaving the bridge, in a huff the brunette sat on top of the Condor admiring the view.

About five minutes later, Stork interrupted the brunette's huff by poking his head out of the trapdoor, his voice echoing as he spoke, "Uh... the guys are in trouble." Nika groaned loudly, exaggerating herself standing up before jumping off the roof to the balcony then the landing strip, she soon spotted Piper who was standing next to her Heli-Scooter. Unfortunately for Piper, Nika was more interested in rescuing the three idiots and going to her room for solitude and she wasn't in favour for dealing with Piper either. Piper made a motion to speak to Nika, holding out her hand but instead was left hanging as Nika just moved her shoulder away from barging into her and roughly sitting on her skimmer, kicking the stand away sharply. "Let's go." Nika spat, taking off before Piper could reply, now also in a bad mood – Piper angrily took off as well, her facial expression less composed than Nika's who was completely collected on the outside.

Nika angrily flew towards the Talons, swiping at them more aggressively than usual – she was ticked with Piper, she apologised what more, apart from a time machine, did she want?! "What is this?!" Ravess shouted in angered surprise, not expecting the Condor and the other two Storm Hawks to arrive. "It's called backup." Piper smugly replied, Nika smirked despite her grievance with her fellow Storm Hawk – Ravess was distracted, this was her chance to stop the Talon and hopefully buy her idiot friends some time to escape. The Yarisian barrel rolled her skimmer, slicing Ravess' engine from underneath and continued on to the Condor without looking back, confident that her attack would work and she wouldn't need to do anything more. Nika landed beside Junko, giving him a quick smile before darting off to the roof again, ignoring Aerrow's calls to go to the bridge – after her fight with Piper, she just wanted to be alone.

"What's upset her?" Finn asked jabbing his thumb after Nika, as Piper entered the hangar – with Finn giving her a funny look for her abrasive entrance. "Nika needs to grow up and she has just realised that." Piper answered before leaving the room, stamping her feet along the way since she couldn't slam the doors. "And what's upset her?" Finn asked rather taken aback by Piper's statement. "Just drop it Finn." Aerrow ordered, sounding authoritative but just as perplexed by the girls behaviour – Nika usually followed orders and Piper never spoke about her best friends like that, especially Nika who was just welcomed as an official Storm Hawk just over a week ago. "Sounds like they had a fight." Junko noted rather worried for his friends turning to Aerrow with advice, "Maybe Stork will know what happened." The boys nodded and headed to the bridge – Aerrow running ahead to get a report from Stork, Nika wasn't there but Piper was, and she looked furious which Aerrow made a huge effort to dodge before she could start on him. "Well, Stork, what's our status?" Aerrow whispered, hoping they lost the Cyclonians. "Well, we're nearly out of crystal fuel, our bulkhead is torn, and I've got this strange rash." He replied, scratching his thigh anxiously. "I mean the Cyclonians. Did we lose them?" Aerrow asked, being more specific than the last time – inwardly cringing at Stork's medical problems. "No sign... For now." Stork shakily replied uncertainly.

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