The Assistance

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Spike. Discord. That old stallion. Those serpents. Those manticores. All gone. "Where do you expect me to find them?" I yell up to the endless sky. Desert stretches out before me. Princess Celestia-I mean, Empress Celestia dropped me off in the Samara (get it? SaMAREa?) Desert. She said if I was truly loyal to her, I would do any task she gave me. The task? Survive in the desert and find my way back to Ponyville. I was dehydrated, hungry, sunburnt, and all around miserable. I just felt like collapsing and crying. Why had my princess become this? And more importantly, why was I still following her? Only an insane pony would do so. In the end, I was just as crazy as my empress. But she was still my ruler. My mentor. My friend. I had to obey her. I wanted to obey her. But I couldn't do that in the Samara Desert. Then I see something. An oasis. The water, a shimmering blue. The palm trees swaying with a slight breeze. Everything about it looks amazing and refreshing. I sprint toward it will all of my might. I can feel my energy draining, but it will be worth it. My excitement fades when I realize the oasis isn't getting any closer. It was merely an illusion. I'm just about to lie down and give up when I see something. A meeting. I move in closer to hear the voices. There's a huge crowd of ponies listening; Rose Petal, Fluttershy, and...Discord? That's impossible. I decide to move closer to Rose and listen. She speaks horribly about
Empress Celestia. I quickly create a voice modulator and say, "Don't insult our empress." I slip a chloroform rag over her nostrils and she falls unconscious. I drag her to a room and place her on a chair. I bind her hooves and legs and gag her. I pray she won't be upset when she wakes up, because she was my only hope.

Psycho (#Wattys2015) (#Feels)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora