7: The Boy Next Door

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I paced around the living room, thinking about this situation. I walked back and forth in front of the TV. "Mel." My dad said. "Could you maybe pace in your room? Your blocking the TV."

I sighed and turned towards dad, still blocking the TV. "Dad, I need a new laptop." I said.

"Why? What's wrong with your blue Apple laptop?" He asked.

Of course I couldn't tell him the truth about what really happened, because that would just cause a whole bunch of mess between our parents. "I uh, dropped it in the bathtub." I lied, giving him a fake apologetic look.

Dad sighed. "Fine. But only because I got that promotion last week."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you dad." I ran over and gave him a quick hug before running back upstairs. I went inside my room and plopped on my bed.

I cleaned up the underwear a while ago this morning, but there was still one thing missing, my diary. And I have to get it back. Man, he probably already read most of the stuff in there. But there was no way he already read the high school stuff. Because I've had that diary since I moved to Colorado, so that means the high school stuff is all the way in the back of the diary, and he's a slow reader...

I looked out of my window to see if it was still snowing. Most the of the snow went away and now it's just one layer. I shrugged and changed out of my pajamas, into a pink sweatshirt that I got from Spain when I visited last year, some blue ripped jeans, and my black converse.

I went downstairs and out of the front door. I decided that I needed some fresh air, so I'm gonna go for a walk. I started walking down the street and passing by houses. When I turned a corner to go on another street, I heard a voice. "Alonzo!" I rolled my eyes and groaned. I have one chance at peace and quiet, taking a nice walk around the neighborhood, releasing my mind from all the crap, and it's been interrupted by the biggest crap of all!

I slowly turned around to see Michael walking over to me. "Alonzo, I need to talk to you."

"Is it about that trick you pulled, because if it is, then I don't want to talk about it." I said.

Michael snickered. "No, it's not about that. My aunt planned this stupid dinner thing at my house and she wants to invite our new neighbors," Michael rolled his eyes. "It's just a stupid new neighbors dinner thing, so just tell your parents. It's tomorrow."

I sighed. "Whatever." I waved Michael off before turning around and continuing to walk down the street.

I know your wondering, Mel, why didn't you ask for your diary?

Well he's obviously not gonna hand over the diary that easily, so now that I have to come to his house for that stupid dinner, I have a plan to get it back. I let a smirk grow on my face as I continued to walk.


The bell rang, and everyone woke up and stormed out of Ms. Eisner's class. Today, I didn't even bother staying awake for her class. I already know everything she's teaching anyway, and she's probably teaching it wrong, so what's the point in staying awake in that lady's class?

I went in the hallway and started walking to the cafeteria. "Thunder cock."

I turned around to face Justin and gave him an annoyed look. "Dude,"

"Fine I'll stop." He said as we walked into the cafeteria.

We got our lunch, which was fried chicken and sat at our table. We started eating and talking about random things before we were rudely interrupted by Dana McNell. She sat down and I looked at her, wondering who gave her the invitation to sit down at our table.

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