Denmark and his GREAT idea

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Norway was sitting on his couch, skimming the magic book in his hand, feeling content and somewhat at peace. Denmark was loudly telling the story about once precariously saving his Viking ship back in 11th century, however no one was actually paying attention. Iceland on the other hand, was sprawled on the floor, face down and resting on his crossed arms and breathing slow as he napped.

The scene was rather odd, however not unusual. In fact, to Norway, it actually almost felt normal. The three Nordics were just having another casual day,  if not a lazy one. There were no meetings to attend to, no natural disasters (his eyes briefly flitted to his younger brother, Iceland, who was prone to have volcanic eruptions every so now and then), and simply no work that was required to be done. Not straight away, anyway. Just a peaceful day, lazing around.

"Hey, Norge."

Or not...

"What is it?"The Norwegian took his gaze off his book and at the Dane, feeling rather annoyed.

He, and the two other members of the Magic Trio, England and Romania, had planned to try reanimating dead plant cells, in an attempt to ultimately revive the pygmy goosefoot, a plant that was extinct, but was desperately needed for a potion they wanted to create.  They had found dead remains already, and just needed a spell. Being disrupted from his search irked him.

Norway watched the blonde fidget with his fingers nervously, appearing slightly agitated when captured by his piercing steal glare.

"I-I w-was just wondering if we could take Icey o-out to row! Y'know, the weather's seems good and we don't have anything better to do, so..." Denmark answered, stuttering slightly.

He was nervously running his fingers through his messy swabbed hair, blue eyes glinting in slight fear.  Last time he had "wondered" something to do, it resulted with the Dane himself with several broken bones, Iceland ending up in hospital with a concussion, and Norway having a knife stuck in his side.

"You do remember what happened last time..."

"Y-yeah! But this isn't last time! This is THIS time! Come on Norge, Ice needs to learn how to row! How is he even meant to be a Nordic if he CAN'T row!!!??" Denmark yelled, waving his arms to add to the effect.

Norway sighed, planting a hand to his face. It was undeniable; the weather was good. He himself had also been considering taking his little brother out to learn to row; he old enough and more than capable of the task. It would be unfit for a former Viking to have a brother who didn't even know how to hold a paddle.

Letting out a sigh, he relayed his decision, "Fine."

Lukas left his book on the hand-rest as he proceeded to waking his brother

And so, preparations commenced for rowing.

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