Scratching the back of my head, I averted my gaze from the older woman. "I-um. I read, s-some of it..."

Tension climbed in the room as silence engulfed us: me with my head turned away and Mallory obviously burning holes into my scalp with her eyes.

"That's strike three, Miss Holland." Mallory stated morbidly, her voice like gravel. "You will indeed receive punishment for your dishonesty and disobedience, but first, I need your contract."

Biting my bottom lip, I risked the chance and glanced up at the woman in front of me. Her expression was practically unreadable, but I could notice the exhaustion and exasperation that lined her features, no matter how subtle they seemed.

"About that," I gulped.

Without a word, the dark haired woman walked back behind her desk, bent over (giving me a gracious view of her derrière), and opened a drawer, pulling out a set of papers and sliding them over the desk.

"Read this, now." She demanded, seating herself at her desk.

I couldn't help but notice that she had now closed her eyes, reclining back in her office chair, obviously in attempt to relax. She almost looked human.

Submission Contract

This submission contract is effective as of the___ (day) of _____ (month), by and between _____________ (submissive) and Mallory Morgan (dominant). I, Mallory Morgan, being of sound mind and body, hereinafter referred to as Miss/Mistress. I, _____ (submissive), being of sound mind and body, hereinafter referred to as whatever Miss/Mistress seems fit.

1.0.0 Terms
The terms of this agreement will be effective immediately until the Miss/Mistress deems or the submissive is injured and wishes for termination. (See 1.0.1 Termination).

1.0.1 Termination
Said contract will become null and void immediately upon request of the injured submissive. Injuries include, but are not limited to:

• permanent bodily harm
• loss of limb(s)
• sprained/broke bone(s)
• torn muscle(s)
• severe emotional trauma
• severe psychological trauma

Any breach in contract may also result in immediate termination. Reasons include, but are not limited to:

• neglect
• not fulfilling responsibilities to the party's best abilities

Should the submissive be willing to continue following any material breach, the broken clause shall remain for the remainder of said contract.

2.0.0 Responsibilities
Both parties are responsible for, but not limited to, an outlined set of responsibilities. (See 2.0.1 Miss/Mistress' Responsibilities and 2.0.2 Submissive's Responsibilities).

2.0.1 Miss/Mistress' Responsibilities
Miss/Mistress understands that she is now responsible for teaching the Submissive how to behave and obey. She will act justly towards the Submissive and will not punish out of anger with the Submissive, but out of desire to teach the Submissive.

As well, Miss/Mistress understands that she is responsible for caring for the Submissive in any way. She may provide financial, emotional, and or physical support to the Submissive. Not only, but Miss/Mistress will provide aftercare to the Submissive following play and punishment to ensure the Submissive's safety, comfort, and wellbeing.

2.0.2 Submissive's Responsibilities
Submissive understands that they are now responsible for obeying and learning from Miss/Mistress. They will listen to directions and commands, keep their Miss/Mistress updated when they are without the latter, and will treat their own body as they would Miss/Mistress' body. They will commit to eating and hydrating regularly and creating a healthy lifestyle, including exercise to ensure stamina and fitness.

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