Chapter 13

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Okay, people i think that i like stalkers now. Ya know what i mean? they at least bug the shit out of you- you guys don't even comment to me. and i know that i'm kinda being whiny right now but i'm going to say that i'm allotted to because i've finally gotten rid of my cousin. My cousin, Ryan, was supposed to take her home yesterday but for some reason that i don't know she couldn't leave till today. I almost cried in the shower. When Ryan finally showed up today, he asked her if she wanted to go. SHE SAID NO!!!! i got up as fast as i could shut off her stupid program and said "Her stuff is over there." anyway's back to my rant. COMMENT!!! READ!!! you guys are making me all depressed. oh, one more thing before we move onto the story. I live in Plainview, Nebraska- Klown Kapital of the freaking world and the last few days was it's 125'th whatever it was. last night was a street dance and i went because one of my best friends wanted to go. anyways, i realized that guys are JERKS! i mean i almost butt planted because i guy was pulled back by his bimbo of a girlfriend and he didn't even APOLOGIZE!!! however, the last one that bumped into me was kinda attractive and HE apologized- right when my faith in the male species was going down the drain. anyways i meant the last part of my rant to be some kind of clue to this chapter. i realized when we were watching fireworks (my friend and i on the trunk of my car by the baseball field) that i wanted that milkshake moment.  You know, the one where the guy takes the girl out to a diner and she gets a strawberry milkshake, french fries, and a hamburger? and they fight whether or not to dip the french fries into the milkshake? THAT'S WHAT I WANT!  and if i can't have that perfect little moment then my character gets to.

Second period went by in a flash- i mean one moment i'm learning about electromagnetism and the next i'm packing up my stuff to go to lunch. I literally hate lunch now. you remember how on the first day i didn't have a place to sit? yea, well, i was still in the same position now. i had thought that in the span of a few weeks that i'd at least have someplace to sit. I however was determined not to let the social cliques get to me. i had Gina, the only friend i had it seemed like, in my sights and i strode towards her with my over glorified thing called lunch. in fact i think that even calling it edible would be an overstatement.

While i was so focused on Gina i had not noticed how that there was only one seat left at the table. from the corner of my eye i did notice that Cole was making his way to the last spot. i did the only thing a red blooded American female teenager can do in this type of situation- i raced him.  you could tell that he noticed that i was heading towards the spot because his pace quickened. HA! like that was going to stop me. unfortunately, i was wearing stilettos and i was not very good at walking stilettos than i was to wearing them.

What can i say, one moment i'm wobbly making it to the chair when all of a sudden i was reacquainted to the floor. Hello, Floor. it's been a while since i face planted into. nice to see you're still a dirty bitch. yea, we can catch up later. i was really getting tired of this! why was i always on the floor? the only good news was that my 'lunch' didn't touch any of my clothes. the bad news was that it landed on the seat- where Cole had beaten me to. Internally i was very pleased to see that he was covered with food but i was also furious that he beat me to the effing seat.

As i scooped myself up i noticed a little breeze where there shouldn't be. my top had slipped down and now i was flashing everyone- including Cole who was right in front of me and had watched my fall. I willed myself not to flush and i adjusted my top. i cleared my throat and Cole managed to pry his food covered face up to my face.

"Um, what are those? A's? B's?" Cole asked with a smirk. i realized that everyone in the cafeteria was listening to our conversation- waiting desperately for my answer.

"For your information it's a 34b- like my aunt always says 'More than a mouthful, is a wasteful'. Besides, i doubt that your, Ahem, package is more." I say triumphantly.

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