Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I fixed my shirt, while looked up and down the full body mirror. I sighed, and flattened my skirt, and patted down my long hair. I was going out tonight with the girls as they will show me around. Maybe then I could get a clue.

I walked over to my vanity and picked up my favorite perfume, Daisy by Marc Jacobs, as I spritzed it into the air, and walked into it and twirled. I peaked at my IHome to see  I still had 10 minutes left before I would have the girls at my front door.

I fixed a little bit of my make up to make me look more presentable, and then I stepped into my TOMS.

I took the travel down the stairs to the kitchen to see my mum reading a book and sipping her tea, as she looked up at me. "Where are you going, love?" She asked me. "My friends wanted to take me around town for dinner and a travel around. I should be home by 8" I told her.

"Be safe. Don't head off far into town" She told me, as I nodded. My IPhone buzzed in my blazer pocket, as I picked up and read the message from Perrie.

'I picked up the girls, im on the way to pick you up. Address?

I quicky tapped my fingers along the fragile glass with my address, watching it send, as I set the IPhone back in my blazer pocket. I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect. I mean it couldn't be that bad.

I walked into the living room to see my grandma knitting herself a scarf, as she looked up. "Why hello there, are you going out on a Monday night?" She asked me. "Yeah, my friends are taking me to get a look around town and dinner." I responded, and took a seat on her fluffy couch.

"Has your mother told you to watch where-" She began, "Yeah, she told me" I cut off, knowing I get angry when people repeat questions. My grandma nodded, understanding my state of mind, and returned to her knitting.

Several knocks came to my door, as I stood up. "BYE" I shouted through the house, as I opened my door to see Perrie, Allana, Jesy, and Leigh Anne standing there. "Hey" They greeted. "Hi" I smiled back.

Perrie took us to her Volkswagen, as me, Allana and Leigh Anne squeezed in the backseat, and Perrie drived, and Jesy was in the passenger seat.

"Okay, so I was thinking that we first stop by the shopping center, and shop around and then take you dinner, and then we drop you off at home, and yeah" Perrie said, as she was driving.

"Sounds good, but I have to be home by 8" I told her. "Okay" She mumbled, and parked the car, and walked out.

We followed her into the shops as I bought a few items, and it was past 7. I didn't complain though. Perrie then drove to a restaurant, but we walked around before we entered.

My phone rang, as the default ringtone blared. I slid to answer the call, as I was answering to my mom. "Okay, yeah, alright, fine, okay, OKAY, bye" I said, and put my phone in my blazer.

"I have to head home. I didn't realize it was 8 already. I'm late" I told them. "Okay, let's give you a ride" Perrie said. "No, No, It's fine. You guys are already here. I'm pretty sure I remember the way home." I told them. 

"Alright, stay safe babe" Allana told me, as I nodded, and gave the girls hugs.

I started to walk back down the road, as the sky grew near black, and only the street lights were on. I think I was starting to head into the bad part of town, as I heard a scream being thrown around.

It was also getting chilly, as Winter was starting to roll around soon. I gripped my blazer tighter around my arms, as I continued to walk. I think I was going the wrong way.

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