1. Sounds Good

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Third POV


7:34 pm

"Nani, sit down baby. You're giving mommy a headache."

"World, stop." The now three year old toddler paused and did a whirl, spinning in her pleated skirt. "Carry on." She repeated for the umpteenth time. Raja paused and took a deep breath. Her baby girl had reached the stage of the child that is on a 24/7 sugar rush. After living in Los Angeles for a decent four months, Nani fit in like she had never lived a day in New York. Raja, now known as Nicole, made sure everything was perfect before they reached their destination. Her name change was finalized the week after they'd arrived. Nicole Riley, her middle name and her maternal grandmother's maiden name. She and Nani had also been living from motel to motel, just in case they were being tracked. She kept her appearance the same.

Raja and her baby girl fit in so well, but Raja made sure they didn't attract too much attention or develop relationships too quickly just in case they had to skip town once again.

It was Nani's third birthday, and Raja decided to take her out to a fancy dinner. The atmosphere was too adult for Nani, and the food was completely foreign to the child that was used to chicken nuggets and fries. Raja laughed as Nani bit into her calamari and made a disgusted face. She snapped her camera at every reaction to the different foods Nani ate. She was enjoying the only company she'd really had.

"Nicole?" She snapped her head up.

"Oh, hey Nita! Hey Lana," she stood to hug the two women that worked at the salon she had become a regular at.

"How are you?" Lana asked her.

"I'm doing good. It's my daughter's birthday, so I decided to take her out." They both turned in the direction of Nani. They both instantly started gushing over the little curly haired child. Raja watched as they fluffed her baby's hair and pinched her cheeks, showering her with 'happy birthdays" and "you're so adorables."

"I love your tiara!" Nita pointed to the crown Nani forced her mother to buy.

"Well, we'll leave you two to your dinner while we wait for slow ass Tamara." Nita said. "Bye, y'all! And happy birthday again, little princess!" Nani waved back with excitement. Raja liked them a lot. They reminded her of the many traits Tiffany shared. Still standing, she smiled down at Nani.

"Pumpkin, we're about to leave. You gotta use the bathroom?" Nani shook her head 'no'. Raja rolled her eyes knowing that once they left, she'd be crying about how bad she had to pee. "Well, I'm taking you anyway." Raja let Nani hop down from the booth and lead the way to the ladies room.

Alonzo Troye

Mandatory Meeting

7:49 pm

I looked across the table at Ballard and a private investigator we brought along.

"And we came to this fancy ass restaurant for what?" I spoke, breaking the silence. We could have simply had the meeting in a discussion room at the station or maybe at a diner, but no. Ballard had decided to bring us to an upscale, overpriced, small portioned food restaurant.

"They have good lemonade here." Ross smirked. He knew he was getting on my nerves. He was one of those laid back "if it happens, it happens" type of people. I just wanted to get my job done, and go home. "Besides, everything is on me." He said. He must get paid a lot more than I do over in New York.

I shook my head and rubbed my face in frustration. "I'm going to the bathroom," I said. I slid out the booth and walked to the back of the restaurant, assuming where the bathroom was. I pushed the bathroom door open and the bright light stressed my eyes. After sitting in the dark lit room with soft elevator music, I needed some escape. I stared in the mirror and fixed my tie. I enjoyed dressing in suits everyday, but it's been awhile since I dressed in street clothes. I was working 24/7. I had no time to keep up with family, relationships, or anything. That was the reason my last lady left. I just didn't have time. Trust me, I could make time, but work was my sanctuary.

I fixed my suit one last time and walked out the door. I nearly tripped when I looked down at a small tiara landing in front of my feet. I looked over and saw a little girl running towards me. I knelt down on one knee to pick up the tiara and waited for the little girl to approach. I held the crown in my hand and smiled at the child.

"Did the princess lose her princess crown?" I asked her smiling. She nodded slowly, obviously shy. I always liked kids, but I could never fit them into my life arrangements. "Well, here you go." I handed her the tiara, and she neatly placed it on top of her curls.

The hurried clacking of heels came toward me. "Nani! You can't just walk away like that! You had mommy worried." I took my time examining the woman standing over me. Her tight black dress revealed unbelievable curves. She had a body that every man in the world dream of being with. My eyes reached her face, and I was in awe. I had never seen someone so perfect. She looked into my eyes, and neither of us cared to look away. I stood tall, noticing how I towered over her as I completely expanded.

"I-I'm sorry if she was bothering you," she said stuttering on her words. She had to be five years younger than me at the least.

"No, she wasn't." I sent a charming smile her way. I could see what I was doing to her, and I decided to calm it down. "She yours?" I asked her referring to the young girl.

"Uh, yeah. She is." She looked down at her. "It's my birthday." The little girl mumbled just loud enough for me to hear her. I kneeled down closer to her.

"Happy Birthday, Princess." She blushed really hard, and hid her face on her mother's thigh. "Well, I should leave you two to your night." I said leading them with my hand back into the dim restaurant.

"Thank you," the woman said as she grabbed her daughter's hand and walked in front of me. I watched her from behind, trying to control myself. I watched her sway her hips as she walked. I was completely in a daze.

Rubbing my eyes, I made my way back to the dinner table. I sat, frumpped in my seat, and made it completely obvious that I wasn't interested in anything going on.

"Did you know there is no naturally blue foods?" Ross read from his phone.

"What the fuck?" I asked with my face completely scrunched.

"Yeah, I know! I thought the same thing."

I rolled my eyes, understanding that he didn't know I wasn't excited about what he was talking about. "Can we just do the fucking business we came here to do?" I put my elbow on the table and rubbed my face hard.

Ballard slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah, sure." He pulled some manila folders from his suitcase and sat them on the table. He opened them and took out a few documents and some low-res pictures.

"Here is Dinero coming from out of the back of a restaurant, and getting into a black truck in the alley." He slid a photo to me. "Then here is another photo of him exiting the vehicle and entering a warehouse." He slipped over another one.

"How were you able to track him from the restaurant to the warehouse?" I asked.

"Well, you see," The investigator spoke up. "My team was able to keep a nice distance on him from location A to location B without being caught. Then, we were able to get surveillance from a building right next to the warehouse to identify him for sure."

"With this evidence connecting him to this location, we can charge him -- or maybe charge him with the murder that occurred there, and if we get a warrant, this could be the biggest drug bust in the history of our lives." Ross said with his eyebrows raised. I was impressed, but at the same time a little pissed that I couldn't have done this on my own.

"Okay, you're getting this bust here, but how is this going to help you with the Costello case back home?" I asked him.

"I can honestly say this Costello case is the biggest thing that is happening right now. When we get him into custody," he sighed. "I can try to convince him to confess about the murder of Costello, but... I'm not sure." He shook his head. "I have to find a way to get him to confess, and if he doesn't, well, we'll just have to charge him for what he did here." I looked at him, and I could tell he was disappointed in himself for not having a plan.

"Sounds good." I said. "Sounds good."

A/N: Sorry this took so long, and that it's short, and that it's a little sucky lol. I haven't written in a while, so bare with me as I try to get back on track :) Comment & Vote

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