What have I done?

I just hurt my best friend.

I wrote a cruel cruel untrue letter to Eleanor.

I destroyed a hotel room.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

What have I done?!

I stood up and went to the living room. I went over to the couch and picked up the notebook. I screamed and ripped out the page. I ripped it into as many pieces as I could screaming and crying. Then I just fell to the floor against the wall with my head in my hands sobbing. I continued to sob. Then something caught my eye. I reached over and again picked up the shimering knife. I starred at it for a moment. I heard some people banging on the door trying to get me to open it. Probably Niall amd Harry. I ignored them and then brought it down on my wrist and sliced as hard and deep as I could going over the old scars and the still bleeding cuts from earlier tonight. I then brought it across my chest and legs causing me to bleed. A lot. Then finally the door burst open and I saw Niall and Harry fall to the floor. I looked up startled at them, dropped the knife, and began sobbing even harder.

"What the hell?!" Niall asked.

They ran over to me.

"Louis what happened?" Harry asked franitic.

"And where's Liam?!" Niall asked.

"E E El Eleanor." I stuttered and cried harder.

"What about her?" Harry asked softly.

"I k k killed her... Woke up...Wrote cruel letter of lies...Destroyed room...Liam...Liam?" I stuttered as many words as I could. Then began crying again.

"What about Liam?!" Niall asked.

"I...I..." I couldn't say it.

"Louis. Where is ..." Niall began sternley but Harry interrupted him.

"Forget it Niall. We'll find out later. Louis. Why are you covered in blood?!" Then he saw the knife.

"You didn't?" He whispered.

I nodded. He hugged me and began crying.

"Louis. Oh Louis Why?!" He sobbed into my chest. I also sobbed and soon Niall interrupted it.

"AHHHHHHHH! LOUIS WHAT THE HELL?!?!" He yelled from the kitchen. I vuess he found Liam.He then ran out to Harry and me.

"Niall what's wrong?!" Harry asked standing up and wipping his eyes.

"I went to the kitchen to get towels to help his injuries and I see Liam on the floor out cold with a bleeding head!" He yelled.

Harry looked at me.


I interrupted him.

"Yes." I cried.

Then everything went black.

Harry's POV

I followed Niall into the kitchen and there was Liam out cold bleeding from his head just Niall had said. We got some rags and began to stop the bleeding from his head. After a minute I remembered Louis.

"Shit. We forgot Louis!" I said as I picked up more towels and ran back to the living room. Louis was out cold and still bleeding heavily. I called Paul.

"Hello?" He said sleepily.

"Paul. You need to come to Louis and Liam's room. Quick." I said frantic.

"But why? What happened.?" He asked a bit more awake.

"No time to explain. Just hurry and call an ambulence!" I said and hung up the phone. Within seconds it seemed Paul was in the room. He looked at the broken stuff with a horrified expression.

"I'll explain later." I said.

Just then we heard sirens coming closer and closer. Before long three paremetics stormed into the room with a lot of equiptment and a stretcher. They first saw Louis and quickly put him on it and brought him out of the room. Then they saw Liam and called for another stretcher. Before long he too was being brought out of the room. We all piled into the van we usually travel in and Paul drove us to the hospital extremely fast. Right behind the ambulance holding our best friends. On the way we called Zayn and but of course his phone was off. Since he was- with Perrie. Anyways. We left a lot of messages and arrived at the hospital just in time to see Liam and Louis being led on their stretchers in two different directions. We all sat in the waiting room silent or crying from worry. Waiting for an answer. I just hope they're okay.

A/N That was a lot longer than I expected and honestly not how I planned for it to go. But i like this better. Which made it longer and let me give you a


Sorry! Thanks for reading!


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