Chapter 15

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Harry's PoV

Everyone was ready. We walked into Diagon Alley after a long time. I remembered the good old times, when I was younger. Not much of Voldemort to worry about. We walked into Olivander's, to get the new kids a wand.

"Guys, don't get freaked out about Mr. Olivander. He knows a lot of things, so he may know that you lot are" I lowered my tone,"demigods." I said. Percy, Nico, and Annabeth nodded.

We walked into the store and I looked around. I hadn't been here for a long time. Every since my first wand. Ron had been here, three years ago, when he broke his wand. I smiled and called for Mr. Olivander. After a bit of rustling, he came out. He gave us a crooked grin.

"Well, hello, your children! Long time since I've seen you, Mr. Potter. Ahhh, and look here! I haven't seen your kind in a long time, lords and lady." He gave them a bow, and as expected, Annabeth looked calculating and the boys looked plain confused.

"You don't need to bow to us sir. And please don't call us lord and lady." Annabeth called out. She seemed embarrassed that she was being bowed to.

"Yes, yes. I will bring you your wands. Your parents had come by, a while ago..." He went on murmuring. We waited for a bit, for him to come back. After a while, he came back with four dusty boxes. "Here" he said.

He offered Annabeth the first wand and she hesitantly took it. It was a grayish brown, very dull, with carvings like Victor Krum's wand, just, instead of an eagle, it was an owl. She waved it, and the smell of fresh books, wilderness, and sea salt washed over us. It smelled like a library, the smell of fresh books being stronger than the wilderness and sea salt. She smiled at her wand. Hers was done. (A/N: the wilderness is her time with Luke and Thalia. She liked it.)

The next box was Percy's. He pulled it out of the box like a candy. His was the colour of damp wood, dark, not too dark though, a warm cherry like brown. It had small waves embossed on it, giving good grip. He waved it, and the smell of the sea was strong. If I focused, I could smell fresh parchment and barbecue. He looked gratified. (A/N: two things, 'gratify' was my spelling word. And barbecue, because it's the food of camp. I know he likes pizza, but in Tartarus, he mentioned remembering the smell of camp's barbecue.)

Nico took the next wand. His was dark brown, almost black, and a spiralling pattern carved inward. He had a skull embossed on his wand, and I remembered him saying his father was the lord of the underworld. No wonder. He waved his wand and the first thing I smelt was a dull smell, of ashes. It smelled good, not the smell of something burning, but similar to the smell of essence sticks. I could smell vanilla, and men's cologne? (A/N: vanilla, cuz in Kane chronicles last book, it said that Anubis/Walt smelled like vanilla, so yeah. And men's cologne is Will. Cuz Solangelo.)

When everyone had their wands, we went to the pet store. This was an... Interesting experience. As we entered, all the Owls started hooting, and Annabeth looked very excited. Percy opened the door a quarter, looked in, and walked out. I'd never seen him so nervous. When we talked about the war, he seemed less nervous. It looked like he was scared that the Owls would attack him. I was surprised that he was scared of owls. Annabeth and I were able to convince him to enter for a bit, but then he got all nervous again.  He entered, and I was surprised by the reaction. All the owls started hooting, as I mentioned earlier. He walked, hiding behind his girlfriend the whole time. She chuckled and pecked him on the cheek. I put my arm around Ginny and smiled. Ron pecked Hermione's cheek. Percy and Annabeth blushed as they realized everyone looking at them. She looked around the store and picked an amazingly beautiful owl. It was brownish gray, with sea green eyes. It was beautiful. I realized why she'd chosen this owl. It looked ordinary enough, brownish gray, but the eyes. The eyes were special. Sea green, much like Percy's.

"Minerva. Her name is Minerva." I looked at Annabeth questioningly. She answered in a low tone.
"My mom's Roman form." She whispered. I nodded, understanding.

Next, we took a stop at the book store. Us boys and Ginny didn't go in, we waited at the ice cream shop and waited for the girls to come. They came back 2 hours later and Hermione's purse. (I know that the purse doesn't make its appearance yet, but it's a fanfic.) I looked at her questioningly.

"Undetectable extension charm and feather charm. Light and smaller." She smiled and I chuckled at Ron's face. When will he get used to his über smart girlfriend?

We went back home, waiting for school to start. Waiting for Hogwarts.

I've left you with a nice cliffy so you remember me when I come back. And the lord will help my notifications. One month will equal over a few thousand notifications. Oh no. I have no time right now, or else I would've finished. I have to go shopping because after I come back from India, I have a school trip for 4 days 3 nights at Camp Muskoka.
In case you didn't realize, this is my last chapter. If I have time on the plain, I'll write the chapters as one, and post them in the same day when I come back.


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