The mystery note

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I couldn't wrap my head around what happened last night. I sat there as confused as ever when I saw some weird markings on the trees. They were arrows pointing to somewhere. And on the tree next to me it said "Follow the arrows if you ever want to find your way back home". I didn't know who wrote the note or who left those markings but I had to follow them because I had no idea how to get home. I took my stuff,put the note in my pocket and started following the arrows. It took me some time but I managed to get back on the road where I initially saw the werewolf that bit me. From there I knew how to get back home. When I entered my house I didn't answer any of my parents questions like "Did you have fun?,"How come you are back so early?" and so on. I went to my room with a confused look on my face. When I got there I took the note out of my pocket. I knew that it was probably the one that bit me who left it there but I still had no idea what does he/she wanted from me. I knew I had to find him/her to get some answers about what happened last night and what do they want from me but I had no idea how to find him/her. The next few days I couldn't concentrate on anything else. My grades lowered,I would hardly eat anything,I wouldn't even talk to Josh and he was starting to notice that I was acting really strange and he was starting to get worried and so have my parents. But I didn't care about anything else but finding the one who did this to me and getting some answers. But then it finally hit me. If they could leave notes for me maybe I could leave a note for them so I went deep into the forest. I would follow the arrows,heading in the other direction from where they pointed at and I got to the place where I woke up after the full moon. There I left a note saying "I need some answers. Meet me here at midnight. Sophia"I was really hoping that they would come cause the not knowing was really messing with my life. I needed those answers and I needed them now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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