Chapter 14

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Mei looked at the blond boy in front of her, her eyes full of impression. He had shot down the Hokage and gained the rest of the team a higher mission. Not every can do that. Mei smiled remembering the day from the beginning.


Mei stood in her position, the target just in her eye line. The rest of the group radioed in their positions, and Mei signalled for Naruto to radio Kakashi she was in her position as well. Kakashi told them to attack and the four pounced on the target; a brown cat with a red ribbon on it's ear.

"It's a match, this is our cat" Sasuke called through the radio. "Great! Bring in the target and meet at the Hokage Tower" Kakashi ordered. Mei held out her arms for the cat, which jumped into her arms and purred at her.

Naruto looked impressed and tried to pat the cat, but it attacked him again. Mei giggled lightly before leading the way back to the Hokage Tower.


Naruto watched with satisfaction as the cat got squished and 'loved' by the large woman. He laughed happily as tears poured down the cat's face.

"Hehehehehe!!! Stupid cat got what it deserved!!" He exclaimed. They turned to face the Hokage as he started talking about the next mission they could take. The options? Babysitting or litter-duty.

"NOPE!!! Nu-ah!! Something better then that!!" Naruto cried, cutting the Hokage off and making and 'X' with his arms. The Hokage sighed and tried to explain the concept on the assigned missions to the boy; who didn't listen. In fact none of the group listened, they where too busy listening to Naruto, who had a more interesting story.

"HEY!!! HOKAGE-SAMA IS TALKING TO YOU!!!!" Iruka cried, cutting Naruto's story off. Naruto looked at him and the Hokage shook his head.

"Yeah I know all that stuff! But the thing is how are we going to prove ourselves if we never get the chance?" Naruto asked. Stunning the old man into silence.


Mei giggled lightly again as Tazuna sighed loudly. He was an old bat but reminded her of a hungover Kisame/Deidara. So yeah, she stayed close to him.

She kept a close eye on the woods around her and an even closer eye on her teammates. She was scared something was going to expose her out there and she'd be labeled a spy. She just about jumped a mile when she spotted a puddle of water.

'There hasn't been a rainfall in ages! Someone's there!'

She tried to communicate her discovery to Kakashi, who hadn't reacted to the puddle's presence. But he ignored her, choosing instead to look directly right of him, into the forest around them.

Suddenly two ninja jumped from the puddle and attacked Kakashi, shredding him into ribbons of flesh and bone. Mei gasped lightly but sighed in annoyance as she spotted splinters of wood on the ground. She turned to the two ninja and glared at them.

Naruto and Sasuke tried to attack and Naruto was cut deeply by one of the ninja. The two rouge went to attack the bridge-builder and Mei jumped in front of him, slamming her fist into ones face and a foot into the others. They both skidded backwards and pulled out kunai. Mei went to grab a scroll but thought better of it, instead pulling out several senbon.

The two scoffed at her and threw their kunai, which where imbedded into the ground several feet from their original target. The two nin shrugged and tried to attack again, but where knocked out by Kakashi. Mei sighed in relief, but still tried to beat Kakashi for disappearing.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!! Don't hurt me!!" Kakashi whined, as Mei kicked and punched him. Mei pouted and huffed at him, sticking her tongue out at him. Kakashi laughed sheepishly before explaining why he hadn't reappeared straight away.

Mei sighed and got a nose-full of poisoned, putrid blood. She followed the smell to Naruto, who was nursing a poisoned wound. Mei sighed and went to inspect it.

"Looks bad Tou-San" Mei said, grimacing at the wound. Kakashi walked over and sighed, "looks like we need to head back and get Naruto's hand fixed". "No way! That's not fair!" Naruto cried, pulling out a kunai.

"Naruto please! This mission has already escalated to a B rank or maybe even higher! We need to go back!" Sakura cried. Mei watched in pure amazement as Naruto struck his hand with the blade of the Kunai, forcing all the poisoned blood to leave his system.

"I declare on this wound that I will defend the bridge builder! I will complete this mission! And I won't run away! This is my oath of pain!" Naruto cried. Kakashi looked slightly impressed as well but was also fighting back laughter.

"Naruto that was cool and everything but if you lose anymore blood you'll bleed to death" Kakashi replied, almost bored with the situation. Naruto started running around and freaking out over the bleeding wound.

Mei rolled her eyes and slammed her fist into the blond's head, causing Naruto to fall to his butt, rubbing his head and complaining loudly. Kakashi took this to his advantage and bandaged Naruto's wound.

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