I yawned and Harry said.

"Why don't we do the taste test tomorrow? It's almost midnight." Harry asked. I nodded and slipped the blindfold off my head.

I held my arms out and gave them the puppy dog face.

"Carry me?"

Louis smiled, and nodded.

He carried me bridal style up the stairs, kicking my door open.

Harry followed closely behind, watching Louis every move.

I whispered into Louis' ear. "Want to make Harry mad?"

He nodded and smirked.

We closed the door in his face, and I held a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Louis." I fake moaned, and admittedly, Harry pounded on the door, screaming at me to open it.

We both fell onto the bed laughing silently, as we heard Harry still pounding on the door.

"Oh god Hazel." Louis fake moaned again, and that made Harry bust down the door.

Literally, the door was on the ground, making us laugh harder.

We looked up to see Harry's face, he looked furious, but his face turned confused.

We laughed even louder, and he got the idea.

He threw me over my shoulder, and began walking to his room.

"Liam." I screamed as we past his room, I held onto the door way of his room, and Harry tried pulling me off.

"No." I squealed, as my hands left the door way.

Liam soon appeared in the doorway, half asleep, but he woke up as soon as he saw me over Harry shoulder.

He just laughed and went back into his room.

Once we got to Harry's room, he threw me on the bed.

"Why can't I sleep in my room with Louis?" I pouted.

He gave me a really look, and I sighed.

"At least let me say goodnight." I fluttered my eyelashes.

He groaned, but went to find Louis.

As soon as he appeared into the doorway, I smiled.

He came over to me, and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger.

"Night babe." He smiled at me before going over to Harry.

Harry smacked his arm, and Louis held his arm.

"What was that for?" He pouted.

"I thought you were screwing my sister." He said making me giggle.

"But I wasn't." He smirked.

Harry chuckled, and pushed him out of the room.

Harry opened his closet, and searched for a big t-shirt, but screamed.

I was curious and walked over there, laughing at what I saw.

"Why are there card board cut outs of Liam and I in here?" He asked laughing.

"You and Liam got these for me for Christmas." I said making him laugh.

"I'll get you back." He smirked, making me scared.

He was always my partner in crime, and let me tell you he is good, so I was scared he was going to get me back good.

He threw me a pair on sweats and a jack willis t-shirt.

I changed in his bathroom, and then climbed into bed next to my brother.

I he pulled me to his chest and I squirmed.

"Cuddle with your little brother." He pouted, making me sigh.

I nodded, and fell asleep on my brothers chest, just like we used to when we were little.

I woak up in the middle on the night to thunder and lightning.

I knew Harry was always scared of thunderstorms, so when I turned over to see he was wide awake, jumping with fear when the thunder would erupt.

"How about, I make you some tea?" I asked him, and he nodded.

I gripped onto his hand, and lead him downstairs, and into the kitchen.

I sat on the counter, and watched me make us tea.

I poured the tea into two big mugs, and gave one to Harry.

I sat on the couch, Harry between my legs, and drank my tea.

The lightning flashed threw the sky, lighting up the dim room.

He jumped again, and I kept running my hand threw his curls.

I placed my tea on the coffee table, and began singing look after you by the fray.



Be my baby


I sang, and Harry looked back at me.

"Did I take your dream." Harry said with tears in his eyes.

He knows how much I loved to sing, and he felt bad.

I cupped his cheek.

"No Harry, I wanted this for you." I said making him smile weakly.

"I love you Hazel."

"I love you too Harry."

He layed back down on my chest, and fell soundly asleep.

Last First Kiss(Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now