Chapter 12

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Stan wrote:

Once my Dad took me hunting and it was exciting. At the beginning of the year Wendy told me she hates hunting. But I would never shoot an animal except if a bear charged because bears look friendly but they can be really nasty.

I don't want to go home after school, not today. My Dad might be there still sleeping it off so I can't watch TV unless I turn it down way low. Sometimes he's up and that can be worse. Or if he's gone Shelley (my older sister) sometimes bothers me while I'm watching TV.

Most times she's okay but sometimes she says dumb things and then I just ignore her and go outside into the woods. I do that a lot. I go out into the woods. Way back into the deepest woods.

I don't think most people would dare go that far deep as I go. I pretend I'm hunting. I pretend I was badass enough to actually shoot another animal, but I can't. I also pretend my dog Sparky is still alive. I loved having Sparky.

But for now, I just want a cat, a cat sits and listens and knows you are there. They don't move around a lot and they really listen. Dogs are just so energetic.

But I'm not afraid to go out into the woods alone. There are beautiful places in the woods, like room with high high ceilings. You walk into a clearing and it feels like being in a room with trees all around and light coming threw the windows. And it's quiet. I love the quiet.

Sometimes I take a nap back there. I think it would be a place I'd like to show Wendy sometime. Those room in the trees. We could walk around together, maybe sit down and eat a snack. I don't care how quiet she'd be. Who cares if she never even says a word.

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