Chapter 11

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Wendy wrote for writing:

Dear Mr. Garrison,

Mom is so worried about me. She says "Pick up your voice if you happen to find it on the way to school" last month she gave me a card and told me to open it on the bus "You are like a magic caterpillar" she had wrote "You surprise everyone by spinning a strange and beautiful cocoon, a chrysalis of silence. Soon you will emerge with new wings. And we'll be here when you do. We'll be here to watch you fly"

What Mom doesn't understand is that my voice isn't lost. I've learned that I can find it whenever I want as soon as I pick up my pen. The moment I start writing words I can hear the sound of my voice on the paper. 

In so many ways it was you who helped to make that happen. You never pushed me to talk like lots of other people did. You said "Writers cultivate silence" You said: "You'll speak when you're ready" You said: "Your writing is full of voice"

From: Wendy Testaburger. 

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