Do as I say

184 12 4

Take me to the isolation cave

Bring the mourners to life and dig my grave

Hold out your steaming candles and burn your hands

I'm gonna need stitches to fix this one man

Let go of your grip on me and let me catch my breath

Life is a circle, that ends with death

Unless, of course, you sell your soul to be branded by the devil
As far as companions in that journey, you'll have several

How you got there is what makes you different, your story
Don't you know that no one in hell is boring

Not one dull moment, of course that's because their all filled with pain

Some who are there tho, are used to that game.

Yet at the end of the day your just buried in a lot

Still being judged for what you are and what your not

An executioners job is never done, but that's ok

Its all in good fun


Glad to be back :) <3 this was bassed of a dream. I hope you all held up allright, and i'm here again. so please come talk to me if you feel need be

a cutting poem-insecutity killsWhere stories live. Discover now