I'm sorry

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To all my followers I want you to know I won't be posting much anymore (As those of you who have been following me for  a while may have noticed). This is because I have been doing allot better lately, and have no inspiration for writing about wanting to die, cutting, etc...

I have been clean since May 14th. I don't know exactly how long that is, but its pretty long to me (lol that's what she said)

I feel that now I don't want to hurt anymore, and by putting myself in that mindset again just for writing purposes will overall downgrade my mental health to its original poor state. I don't want to think of those times because I know from experience how easy it is to fall back into the same habits.  So to better benefit my self I am pausing this poem book. I know I may most more in the future if I start to feel like shit again, but for now this is not the scene I need.

I hope all of you will understand. You can friend me on fb if you guys ever need anyone to talk to. look for me under Marie Carlie. If you tell me you are a follower from wattpad I will accept your request. Until then, take care you guys. And I will continue to update my other ongoing stories.

Stay strong <3

a cutting poem-insecutity killsWhere stories live. Discover now