Chapter 5

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Is it really over? I pointed my foot and bowed (just like Margaret did) before heading back to the line. Reel went by so fast! I feel like I just started! After everyone finishes dancing I head offstage to find my mom. She runs over and hugs me.
"Lucy! That was amazing honey!" She exclaims.
"It went by really fast." I say disappointed.
"Well it looked beautiful honey! Now we have to hurry to stage 2 for your light jig." She holds my hand and runs with me over to Stage 2. "Alright, now go out there and dance your best. Dance it like you danced your reel ok?" I nod and head over to the clipboard lady (a different lady). I'm beginning to feel like a pro at this! After she checks my number I head over to the last chair in the row. I decide that the judge will remember me if I dance last.

Before I can even start a conversation with the girl next to me, we're ushered onstage. I stand in line waiting my turn wit a big smile on my face, the way Razz told me to smile in class on Thursday. I watch the girls and 2 boys in front of me dance, and prepare myself for my turn. Finally (it felt like 6 million years) after watching a bunch of light jigs, it's my turn. I step out with the other two girls and wait for the music. Then I point my foot and begin dancing. Point up hop back and up hop back and point hop back. I'm dancing my very best, when I remember I'm forgetting one thing Razz had told me: "Whenever your dancing, make sure you can feel your feet really turned out and crossed." From then on I try to turn out and cross my feet extra. When I finish dancing, I smile straight at the judge, point, bow and head back to my place in line. Then the music ends and I head off the stage.
"Lucy! You're doing so well today!" Mom says hugging me again.
"Ok mom! Stop with the hugs please! Time for slip jig!" Gosh, mom is hugging way too much today like can she please stop? It's really kind of embarrassing to have to come offstage every time to have my mom hugging me for like 12 years. When my mom finally let's go of me I run over to stage 5 for my slip jig.
"Alright Luce. Your last soft shoe dance, so make it your best dancing alright?" Mom says. I nod and walk sidestage, check in, and sit in the last chair. It feels like déjà-vou or something. Then the stage manager lady person leads us all onstage.

While waiting for my turn I take deep breaths and think to myself, 'Alright. You've got this. Just go out there and dance your very best. Come off that stage knowing it was the best I could've done.' Now it's my turn so I step out with the other girl, wait for the music, point my foot, and begin. Hop one hop two jump two three four five and point and point hop back. I sing the steps in my head and remember to turn out and cross the whole time. Half of a step left. Up two three four five jump two three four five and one two three and two two three and point and point. I finish with a big grin on my face, point, bow, and head back to the line. Then I walk off and find my mom and I'm super surprised to see Razz with her.
"Lucy, that was amazing! You nailed it!" Razz exclaims while mom puts on my shoes.
"It was definitely novice ready." Razz adds. Wait what? Novice?! I just got into advanced beginner!
"But I just started advanced beginner!" I protest.
"I know but with a slip jig like that, you could easily be in novice. Plus in novice, you get a solo dress." Razz smiles at me and I let that sink in. I could be getting one of those gorgeous dresses with the crystals all over them!
"You just have to out there for fast treble jig and nail it ok?" Razz asks. I nod and when mom finishes tying my shoes I run side stage, trying not to slip and fall. I check in and this time I don't have time to sit down, so before I know it I'm onstage for my hard shoe dance. 'Alright, Lucy. Show them what you've got! Don't be nervous because you just learned it! Remember what Razz told you about moving up to novice and getting the solo dress. This is what could get you one.'

Making Strides (Book 2 of the Reaching New Heights Series)Where stories live. Discover now