"What? But I wanted to watch." Shira said.

 "Yeah well Fue is gonna be flying everywhere plus he is not gonna be a level three Fue by the end of the day." Paul said.

 "He won't? Shira said.

 "Nope, but I'll get him to level one for sure." Paul said. 

"Alright, fine I'll leave." Shira said as she walked out the door.

"So what am I gonna do?" Jagger asked.

"We are gonna make you jump to level one." Paul said.

"Wait I jump to get to level one?" Jagger asked.

"Not literally a jump. A jump, is to skip all the training that is necessary. All elements are like that but jumping to level three for any element is hard; sometimes life-threatening." Paul said. "Not all can do this, but you are far from average. You are a Legend Family."

"Okay, how?" Jagger asked.

"The Fue balls." Paul said as he made a Fue ball in each hand.

"Alright starting off something cool." Jagger said.

"Now you can only throw these guys." Paul said. "Once you do this you will be level one for sure. Forming and holding the Fue balls will get you to level one."

 "Okay and how can I do that?" Jagger said.

 "Let Fue flow inside your body and it should come to you soon." Paul said. "I know you have been dead for a long time but I think your body will remember it."

 "Okay I'll try." Jagger said.

 Jagger put his hand facing up and started to focused on the Fue flow withing him. As Jagger focused on the Fue; Fue started to form in his hand. Jagger's eyes widen and more started Fue started to form into a balls. The Fue balls started to grow larger and larger. The Fue balls were bigger than what Paul's were. The Fue balls were about as big as Jagger's chest.

 "Uhh, Paul, this doesn't look normal." Jagger said, his voice was a little scratchy.

 "Okay... this hasn't happen before, um, just throw it at those dummies!" Paul said as he got a scared.

 Jagger threw the Fue balls as quickly as he could. As Jagger did that the Fue balls not only hit the dummies it also went through them and through the wall. There was a giant hole in the wall.

"Uhh... Uhhh... Sorry..." Jagger said shocked by what just happened.

"Uh-huh... That's... Never happened before." Paul said shocked as Jagger was.

"Should I- whoa!" Jagger said as he looked at hands. The back of his hand, fire was waving across Jagger's back hand.

"MY HANDS ARE ON FIRE!" Jagger screamed and he was shaking he hands because he was scared.

"No, Jagger that's Fue!" Paul told Jagger to calm him down.

"What?" Jagger asked.

"Is it burning you?" Paul asked.

"No." Jagger said.

"Then you are fine." Paul said.

"Oh... Oh yea I knew that." Jagger said trying to act like he knew what happened.

"Alright let's fight." Paul said as the back of his hands had Fue on it.

"Wait what?" Jagger asked.

"You are now a level one Fue." Paul said. "You now have all the abilities that a level one has. I have to test your skills to see if you are ready for the next jump for level two."

Ulti Potestatem (UNFINISHED SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now