Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Lets try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

I’m not performing. There’s no tricks or crescendos to pump up the crowd. The song remains quiet and slow.

There was a time, that we'd stay up all night
Best friends talking 'til the daylight
Took the joys alongside the pain
With not much to lose but so much to gain
Are hearing me? Cause I don't wanna miss,
That you would drift on memory bliss
It was Grafton Street on a rainy night
I was down on one knee and you where mine for life

We we're thinking we would never be apart
With your name tattooed across my heart
Who would have thought it would end up like this?
Where everything we talked about is gone
And the only chance we have of moving on
Was trying to take it back before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Lets try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

She doesn’t turn to face me, but I see her shoulders relax and a hand reach up to wipe her face. She’s crying, I realize.

If the clouds don't clear
Then we'll rise above it, we'll rise above it
Heavens gate is so near
Come walk with me through
Just like we used to, just like we used to

Lets take it back
Before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decide
It's time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Lets try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

I drift off into silence, watching her carefully. She doesn’t respond and I briefly wonder if that means I’m not forgiven.

“The Script, good choice” she says so quietly, I’m not sure if I heard her at first.

“Thought you’d like it,” I reply, watching as she stands up, brushing off her pants before turning to face me.

“So is that it? You sang me a song and I’m just supposed to forgive and forget?” she asks, crossing her arms.

“Well I was kind of hoping…” I admit. She lets out a long sigh, looking off to the side. “I’m sorry,” I say for the third time.

“Why did you do it?” she asks, looking back up at me. My mouth goes dry. Why had I done it? For the obvious reasons. I was mad at her. I knew there wasn’t anyone who could torment her as much as Hannah did. But it was more than that. I’d wanted her to see me out with someone else. I’d wanted her to feel the pain I felt whenever I so much as thought about her and Luke.

“I am torn open, unabridged, hot and a bit crazy inside. This is the feeling which belongs to me, she has always been mi--”

“Stop with the quoting!” she shouts, interrupting me. “Just… you always hide behind someone else’s words. Can’t you just use your own for once?”  My eyes widen and I scramble for something to say.

“And telling you I care about you is a waste of time. I wo—“

“Anne Stuart, Black Ice” she snaps.

“My heart is an—“

“Sense and Sensibility”

“The heart wants what—“

“Woody Allen, C’mon just say it,” she cries out in frustration, mirroring my own. Why couldn’t I just say something original?

“Between men and women there is no—“

“Oscar Wilde”

“Love until it hurts. R—“

“Mother Freaking Teresa”

“From the first touch. The first kiss. You’re the first girl who made me feel like this. The heartbreak. It’s killing me. I loved you first, why can’t you see”

She doesn’t respond for a moment and the silence that looms over makes me realize how loud I’d begun yelling. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“One Direction, Loved You First” she says softly after a minute. “At least you picked something you helped write that time.”  I blink my eyes in surprise. I hadn’t even realized I’d quoted myself.

“Leave him,” I say quietly. Her head jerks up as she looks up at me.

“What?” she asks dumbly.

“Leave him, I want you back,” I repeat, taking her hands.

“I’m not going to dump him just because you decided I’m suddenly worth your time again the next girl walks by” she says, shaking her head and trying to pull her hands out of mine.

“That’s not it Mae” I say stubbornly, refusing to let her hands go.

“Yes. It. Is” she replies pausing with each word as she tries to wriggle her hands out. “5 girls in the last 3 years—shit ow” she grimaces and I instantly let go. She breaks into a smile and I realize I’ve been outsmarted.  “Congratulations on all your success Harry. I really am proud of you. We all are. I hope you enjoy the rest of your break.” She says, grabbing her bag and heading towards her car, the goodbye plain in her voice. I stand there floundering, wondering what I’m supposed to do when she comes to a hesitant stop. My heart soars with hope. She’d changed her mind.

“Also, give Luke a chance. He really does miss you, you know,” she says hesitantly and I feel my heart plummet. I give small nod and she returns an equally small smile before returning to her car.


Song Harry sang is over there--> It's Before the Worst by the Script. 

Over Again (Baker Boy Sequel) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now