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December 24th, 2:37 a.m.
Jacenya's Thoughts
**dream state**
Aghhhhhh! Somebody?! Anybody?! Help me! I'm frantically running down the halls of some medical building. Its abandoned and it reeks of decomposing bodies and mold. I'm trying to find my way out when a doorway all the way at the end of the dimly lit hall opens. Out walks a man in a hospital gown w|a oxygen mask on his face and an I.V. He's making this weird grudge sound and he starts walking toward me so I turn around to run and I have nowhere to run. The walls are closing in on us bringing him closer to me. Right when he's about 3 feet away something snatches me through the floor and I land w|a loud 'THUD' causing me to wake up.
Wow, that nightmare was pretty crazy. I wonder what it could meanI mean it could have something to do w|when I told Shamari about my flaws and ranted on and on and about the insecurities I posses. Maybe the masked man stands for my deepest, darkest fears and whatever pulled me through the floor is my saving grace...what if that saving grace is Shamari. I haven't had a dream or nightmare like this in awhile. Usually they mean something good is gonna happen and it will benefit me or something bad will come my way. I hope its the first because now that Shamari is in my life so many things have fallen into place. I haven't told her yet but I completed an application to attend Georgia State University, which is 20 mins away from her. This girl is becoming a big deal to me and I wanna give her the world but in the back of mind there's always the 'what if's' like I don't wanna be so wrapped in her to where I'm blind and can't see if she's playing me but then again I want to. Like what if she hurts me by cheating? What if everything she's said was a lie? What if I'm just some part of a bet? I don't wanna be somebody's playtoy...I wanna mean something to somebody. I hope this relationship isn't a joke to her because if it is it just might kill me. Shamari is my world right now. If we were to ever break up or if she was to leave me I don't know what I'd do. I hope its not too early in our relationship to feel like this...

{ Author's Note: short I knoooow but I had some minor writer's blockage. chapter 12 will be better promise :* }

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