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The long awaited chapter two is finally published! Tell me what you think in the comments


After what seemed like endless breathing excersizes and discussion, class was finally over. I grabbed my phone out of my cross body bag and turned my phone back on, seeing the screen illuminate to life. I had two text messages from my mother, and one from my friend, Abbey.

Abbey was my best friend coming to visit me tomorrow from my home town. I'd only been in New York City for a few weeks, but she had insisted on visiting me.

My mother's texts were asking me if my class was over and how it went. I sighed and plugged my headphones into my ears, blasting some random song in an indie rock playlist.

Swiftly, I passed out of the door, emptying my coffee cup in the garbage can, moving out towards the elevator. My headphones go into my ears to play the sweet tune of a 1975 song. I was the first at the elevator, given that I was in a rush to be out of that tedious class. I pressed a button, instantly opening the elevator that was conveniently on this floor. I stepped in and glanced down on my phone when all of a sudden a loud thump hit the elevator.

A large hand pushed open the closing elevator doors as Harry slid inside. He let out a breath and shot a sly look at me once he caught me staring again. I shook myself slightly to get out of the spell I was in. He was just so captivating.

He reached in front of me to press the lobby floor button, unaware that I had already pressed it. As someone ran for the elevator, he then pressed the close door button a couple of times and fake shrugged to the woman. I gave him a sideways glance then put my phone back in my jacket pocket.

He tapped my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine. I heard a murmur of words and took out one earbud.

"Eh?" I said, the loud music ringing from my musical device.

"I like your taste in music." He said and licked his lips, looking down on me. I had always been shorter. 'Little.' As Harry called me earlier. My music must have been so loud that he could hear it through my earbuds.

"Oh, thank you." I said, looking down trying not to show too much affection.

"I'm Harry, by the way, and sorry about that little incident."

"Sierra, and it's fine." I nodded and awkwardly looked back to the elevator buttons. What should I say?

Finally the elevator came to a stop and I was thankful to finally be in such an open space.

"So, Sierra..." His words drifted off as we walked out of the elevator. "Would you like to get some coffee one of these days?" His accent was adorable, yet musky and powerful. I was taken aback.

"Uh, yeah, no that would be great!" I let out a smile. "Would you like my number?"

He nodded and handed me his phone. While typing in the number, I couldn't help but notice him staring at me from the corner of my eye. When I looked back up at him to give his phone back, his green eyes immediately met mine, making my stomach flip over. I giggled quietly and then cleared my throat in a horrid attempt to cover it up.

"I'll call you." He smirked and said. I nodded and walked out the revolving doors of the lobby to the outside. Once on the sidewalk, I took a deep breath in and turned on the street to walk home.


The next morning the first thing to wake me up was a knock on the front door. I opened one eye and pulled my covers from over my head. The knock sounded again but even louder.

"Hold on!" I yelled and stepped onto the cold hardwood, slowly shuffling to the door. I didn't care too much about my appearance as it was probably a package that I ordered a while ago that needed my signature. I unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door with ease only to see my best friend Abbey standing before me.

"Hieeeeeee!" She rang excitedly and I plugged one of my ears.

"Woah woah keep it down," I half laughed as she came in for a hug. "I have neighbors that are sleeping." I rubbed my eyes and motioned for her to come in.

"Oh please! This is the city that never sleeps." She rolled her suitcase in and looked around.

"I wasn't expecting you this early?" I closed my door then went to make myself some tea. Abbey sat on the bar stool and propped her arms on the island.

"Oh, I must of messed up and told you the wrong time." She shrugged.

"A bit. Give or so by two hours." I rolled my eyes and she just laughed. "Would you like some?" I asked  gesturing to my Kurig and she shook her head.

"No thanks, I filled up on coffee before my flight!" Explains a lot.

"Nice apartment you've got here." Abbey smiled and glanced around. "How long have you been here?"

"Three weeks." I announced, putting my chin in the palm of my hand and swirling my spoon in my mug, mixing the honey with the beautifully smelling drink.

"I can't wait to see my bedroom!" she shrieked and clapped her hands. My eyes widened as I looked up at her. "What?" Her face fell, her piercing blue eyes giving me a concerned look.

"Abbs. I told you this was a one bedroom, right?"

"No..." She furrowed her brows together.

"Yikes. Sorry ab-." My voice was cut off from the buzzing of my phone. I picked it up to reveal a number I did not recognize calling in. Recently, my number was changed to a New York area code, and I had been receiving calls from telemarketers asking for the same woman whom I assume had this number.

I slid my phone to the other side of the island, allowing the call to die out eventually.

"So I don't get a tour?" Abbey joked.

We walked around my bare, small apartment. My bedroom was fully furnished, but my living room just consisted of a three seater couch and a gaming console hooked up to a television on the floor. The walls were all a bright white, except for a dark brick accent wall in the kitchen.

"So, miss one bedroom apartment, where am I sleeping?" Abbey questioned with a snarky tone.

"This bad boy right here." I tapped the grey couch with my hand and smirked. She widened her eyes.

"Sierra, what?" she exclaimed and let out a stressed laugh.

"You're only here for a week. Plus, its a pull out!" I shook my jazz hands next to the couch. My phone made a loud chirp from the kitchen and I went over to pick it up leaving behind a distressed Abbey. I had one new text from that number that called me earlier.

Hi Sierra, it read. Its Harry from yesterday. I hope I have the right number.

I took a big gulp and shakily pressed my fingers on the keyboard.

Yes, you do hehe ;-) I replied, speechless, then immediately regretting the wink face.

Great, so would you like to take up my offer on that coffee? I found a great shop in Tribeca. I could pick you up? xx My stomach fluttered as I sent him a yes with my address for him to pick me up.

"Who is that?" Abbey smirked, noticing my smile and walked over to look over my shoulder. I tucked my phone into my neck to hide it and she raised her eyebrows.

"Just some guy I met at my class."

"Oh, is that so? I want details babe." She dragged me to the couch where we plopped down and I spilled the small yet enriching details.


Phew, took me a while to get this up...So sorry about that! D:

Thank you so much for more votes than I expected, if we could get 10 votes & a couple comments I'll post the next chapter. What would you like to see happen with Harry & Sierra. Lemme know. xo

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