Kuchisake-Onna or The Slit Mouthed Woman: A Japanese Urban Legend

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In Japan, on dark nights, you may see a woman walking the streets wearing a surgical mask. You may think she has an illness or something else, and go up to talk to her. When you walk up to her, you notice she looks really pretty, despite not seeing the bottom half of her face.

"Am I pretty?" she asks you in a sweet voice. You say yes, and she rips her mask off, revealing that her mouth is slit from ear to ear.

"How about now?!" she shrieks. If you say yes, she'll slit your mouth the way hers is. If you say no, she'll cut you in half.

Kuchisake-onna (or Slit-Mouthed Woman) was once a samurai's wife. She was having an affair with his best friend, and when he found out, he slit her mouth from ear to ear with his katana. She was cursed to be immortal and now roams the streets at night, asking unsuspecting little girls or boys those questions. As of now, there is no way to escape her.

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