Chapter 5

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After that I helped him get his life back together. I help him move his stuff into his new house. It was actually a beautiful scene because we got there at around noon and the view there looked absolutely breathtaking. Just the two of us. He looked at me and a smile etched across his face. I blushed.

“Well, I have to go now...” I said as I quickly stood up, he laughed as he watched me awkwardly leave his home, bumping into stuff, I think I might’ve even broken a lamp or something. Well.... that was the most awkward exit ever...

As I was sitting on the bus on my way home, I realized that the university was near to Professor Carl’s new home and I could probably sneak visits every now and then after classes just to check up on him. Just to check up on him.

Or at least that’s what I told myself.

At first it was just once a week, I usually bought Chinese food or some form of Asian food and we ate dinner together then I would go home. It was like that every week. Then I found myself showing up every day along with some form of takeout. It turned into a regular thing, as if my day wasn’t complete if I didn’t see him or something like that.

Pretty soon summer came. I entered the house. It was scorching hot and I suggested some beer. He smiled at me and said, “Betcha twenty bucks you can’t win against me in a race to the lake.”

“Why would I want to run?” I said, “It’s like a hundred degrees out there and I just got here.” He laughed, “Okay, fifty offer,” then he stood up. What choice did I have? We ran in a race, an unfair one at that. He had a head start and of course he won but it seems that that was just a silly ruse to get me to the lake. I noticed two lazy-boy chairs and a cooler. God, I hope that cooler’s filled with some beers. He sat first, opened the cooler and took out a couple of beers. After quite a few drinks, I passed out on the chair.

 When I woke up I found him lying in the water face down. His pale skin glowing in the sun, I then imagined how I would fish him out of the water, how heroic it would be—how heavy he would be. For a few seconds there, I thought that he was finally free from all his suffering. It was such a nice day outside and I stood there one of two young men in their vigor—the one who’s still breathing. I smiled at the thought of his cold skin brushing up against mine—wait a minute, what the hell am I thinking?! I gotta save him.

I rushed up to him, I checked his pulse when suddenly Carl exploded saying, “Did I getcha? Did ya fall for it Jimmy?”

“Pffft, hell no.” He then began laughing like a madman. He then wrapped his arms around my neck, the feeling of his cold arms made something happen in my shorts. His leg then happened to brush up against my shorts and he felt it.

“You’re turned on by this?” He said laughing, I tried to pull away from his vice-like grip but he pulled me in closer. His right hand let go of my neck and he put his hand inside my shorts. I tried to resist but I gave in. C’est la vie. I liked my position beneath him; he began straddling me in the water. We were about to get naked when he stood up and toweled off. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed that he stopped so quickly; in fact, you couldn’t even call that a quickie.

He smiled a naughty little smile, “Let’s do it back at my place,” He then grabbed my hand and we began running back to his place, I was still dripping wet. When we got home he placed me in front of the fireplace and wrapped me in a towel—in his towel. I happened to glance at the clock and see that the time was five o’clock. Hmmm.... five o’clock, that reminds me of something but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Hmm.... Carl isn’t here yet.... I thought that we would—OH SHIT! He was supposed to take his meds an hour ago.

“Carl!” I said as I raced around the house trying to find him, I found him on the kitchen floor, knife in hand, whispering to himself. They’re coming, they’re almost here. I tried to calm him down by asking questions like ‘Who’s they?’ ‘Who’s coming?’ He looked at me with eyes screaming in fear and said, “The ghosts....”

I tried taking the knife away but every time that I tried to he started freaking out. So I rushed into his room searching for where the hell he put his meds. I looked inside one of the cabinets and I found something. A photo. It was a picture of a girl. Pale, brown eyes, brown hair artificially colored, not really tall, seemed to be foreign—foreign, like Asian. I looked and there was something written in the back.

No matter what happens you’ll always be my loveyduds.

Love Alexis

Philippines ‘09

All her i’s were dotted with hearts instead of tittles. It was honestly kind of annoying. I found his meds there. I rushed to him and gave him his meds and I comforted him about the “ghosts.” He fell asleep on my lap in the kitchen. I brought the photo with me. I’ll ask him when he wakes up.

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