Sarcasm Noted

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There are some guys who aren't mean and shallow but there is an even bigger chance they are taken. It is hard to find a guy that meets my standards and likes me. Maybe my standard is too high but there is one guy that meets that standard. His name I will not disclose but he doesn't like me (shocker)! The truth about men is that no matter how old they are they are still confusing and rude. I know what you are thinking. " My crush isn't like that" Sorry but they are like that. I made the mistake of thinking that and got my heart broken. I will tell you who is awesome. My friend...or shall I say gay friend. He is awesome. He holds my hand when I need him. And I dont have to worry about him developing feelings for me! 😌 Back to my ex-crush. His name I will dosclose because he does not have my respect anymore. Mostly because he left me heart broken on homecoming and tehn had the nerve to suck some other girls face and then break up with her the next day. His name is Adam. He has the body of a college frat but the brain of a dumb four-no a two-year old boy. Although I miss my friends I am not ready for school to start. I really just want to see the fresh meat. It will be exiciting.I am curious to see the sixth graders. It will be cool to see what I used to look like to the older kids.

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