Getting It Back

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I am a nice person. I have respect for authority and other tweenagers. So why does it seem like everybody hates me? There are so many option's for girls and I'm not 20 pound's. It took me a long time to realize that those girls haven't been through all the changes I have. If you are a girl that is older than twelve or eleven then you understand that once the hated p-word start's you gain a bunch of weight. I'm not going to be graphic or detailed about it, being a tweenager SUCKS!!! That's when you start thinking about the other gender and how hot thy are. Let me tell you that cooties need to make a comeback. Trust me on that. Maybe one of the things that would help is a little thing normal human girls like to call Shawn Mendes. Other than the fact that he is total eye-candy you can totaly relate to it.

Well peeps of the world...I must return to my AWKWARD. marathon's.

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