Chapter 16: Peeta

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We haven't reply been able to do much with Snow. Reinforcements are too far out to be off much help right now. We just keep regular patrols on the borders and keep tracking the rouge's movements. Making sure they aren't getting too close to our families. That's the best we can do right now.

But I know that he won't touch my mate or child. Because I swear, if he gets near Katniss, I'll tear his throat out.

She stands in front of the mirror a lot. Not because she's vain. She walks around in my old hoodies and sweatpants all day. No, she actually does it because she says she likes to watch the baby growing. She's started talking to her, smiling down at her bulged out stomach. She thinks I don't see, that I'm still asleep when she does it early in the morning after she gets up to go to the bathroom, but I do.

She's going to me an amazing mother. She doesn't think so, but the way she smiles now whenever the baby kicks and the way she sings to her, not that she knows I know about that. She's meant to be a good mother. I have no doubts about it.

"Peeta," I hear her call. "Annie had her baby last night. Do you wanna go see him?" I roll over to see her standing beside the bed with her arms resting on her four month stomach. I notice the bags under her eyes as I sit up.

"Were you there?" I ask her. "Is that why you never came back to bed?"

"Delly needed help," she says. "Its my job to help if she needs it."

"Not when you're four months pregnant Katniss," I say. "You're more than half way there."

"And I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. Do you really think Delly would have let me stay there if it would have caused any harm to me or our little Tadpole here?" she asks. She walks to the door and turns back to me. "You coming or what?"

"Yeah," I say, "Just give me a minute." I get up and get dressed while she stands there tapping her foot. "Really?"

"What?" she says. "You'd be doing the same thing if you were waiting for me."

"No I wouldn't," I say. "It takes some time for you to get around these days so-"

"Are you implying that I'm fat?" she asks. "Because if there is one thing you don't want to do right now, it is calling the woman carrying your child fat."

"No," I say. "You aren't fat. You are four months pregnant. I know it's harder for you to get around now. You don't complain about it, but I know your back has been bothering you. I can tell by the way you've been walking around and how you toss around at night."

"Well, lets go," she says. I take her hand and gently rub her lower back as we go downstairs to the clinic. When we open the door, I see Annie curled up in one of the beds, Finnick sitting next to her, holding a small blue bundle. We walk up and I hear Finnick let a low growl out of his throat.

"Finnick!" Annie says. "Be nice."

"It's fine Annie," Katniss says. "I'm sure Peeta will do the same thing once the time comes that this one isn't in here anymore." She gently runs her fingers over her bump, smiling as I see a small foot press against her hand. "Can I see him Finnick?"

Finnick stares at her for a moment before very slowly and carefully standing and laying the baby in her arms. Katniss smiles at the little baby that has open his huge green eyes and smiles a toothless grin at her.

"Hi Sebastian," she says with an extremely gentle voice. "You are a real cutie aren't you?" She presses a gentle kiss to his forehead, casing his bright red hair to peek out from under the knitted hat he wears. She turns to me and smiles. "You want to hold him?"

"I don't know," I say.

"Well you need practice for our little tadpole," she says. "Plus I can see it in your eyes. You want to hold him." Before I can stop her, she lays the child into my arms. It's strange, I'll say that. I've never really held a baby before. I was an only child and my mother was very strict when it came to me being near newborns in the clinic. Sebastien starts crying and I gently give him back to Finnick, who has been watching me like a hawk.

"He's perfect Finnick," I say. "I'm sure you're very proud." I see a genuine smile cross his face.

"I am," he says. "It is a joy like no other. I can't even describe it. But you'll feel it within a month or two." I look to Katniss and smile.

"I think I'm already starting to feel it," I say.

"It's nothing compared to once you hold them in your arms," Annie says. "I assure you."

"I think we'll leave you three alone right now," Katniss says. "I'm actually really tired right now." I nod and we say goodbye as I walk out with Katniss. She looks down as we leave and I can almost see the fear radiating off of her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I watched her give birth," she says. "I saw the pain she was in. I'm really scared of going through that now. It just didn't seem real, but in less than two months, I'm gonna be in that room down there. I'm not ready. I can't do it."

"You'll be fine," I say. "You're the strongest person I know. I know you already care so much for the baby and I just can't wait until I get to see you actually holding her. I love you so much. You are going to be the most amazing mother to our little tadpole. And I'm so happy that the Moon Goddess chose you for me." She smiles and gives me a kiss.

"Me too Peeta," she says. "Me too."

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