Chapter 8: Katniss

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I wake up alone. Again.

I swear, Alpha or not, that boy is gonna pay for this. He has no right to do this to me twice. First he marks me and leaves me to endure my heat alone. Then after he gives me what I needed, he lets me lie alone when I wake. I turn over and groan. I feel paper crumble under my hand I lift it to see at least he learned part of his lesson. He actually left a note today.


I know by now, with your temper, you are beyond pissed. But Gale alerted me early this morning that Cato's scent was found at the boarder. I was needed. I know I should be thinking of you, and trust me, I am, but I know that as long as he's out there, you aren't safe. He needs to be dealt with. I will be home as soon as I can.

I love you, my lone wolf.


I start to panic. Doesn't he realize that Snow isn't going to just send Cato, but several others. I get dressed and quickly shuffle out of the room, which Peeta had thankfully left unlocked today. I go downstairs and see that Peeta is long gone.

"Delly?"I call and when I don't get an answer, I call for her again. "Delly!" She comes out of the kitchen with a small boy on her hip that from the looks of him, is her and Gale's son, Hunter.

"Luna?" she asks. "What is it?"

"Where are Gale and Peeta?" I ask her.

"Out checking on the rouge scent Gale found last night," she says. "Peeta said he left you a note."

"He did," I say. "But I need to know exactly where they went."

"I don't know Katniss," she says. "Why? Is there some kind of trouble?"

"The scent was from the rouge that escaped when Peeta and I were attacked," I say.

"Snow's lieutenant, Slato?" she asks.

"Cato," I say. "I'm afraid so. And there is no way that he's alone. Snow is not that stupid."

"I'm sorry," she says. "I don't know what is going on, where they are."

"Maybe I can help?" Taylor says in my ear.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask.

"Look through Peeta's eyes. She what he sees, smell what he smells. You are Luna now. You know this territory as well as Peeta does," she says.

"I don't know how," I say.

"Let me take over, I'll show you this time. You can try next time. I can't teach you how to do it right now, there's no time," she says. I close my eyes and allow her to use my body as hers. I feel myself go outside my body and suddenly I see through Peeta's eyes. He and Gale are near the stretch of forest that we were attacked the first time.

I'm suddenly transported back and Taylor hands back control. I open my eyes with a gasp and Delly looks at me.

"Are you okay?" she asks. "Your eyes turned a lot lighter, like more of a silver than your usual platinumy color."

"Yeah," I say. "I let Taylor take over so she could look through Peeta's eyes. I know where they are." I start walking to the door when Hunter squeals.

"Baby!" he says. "Luna Baby!"

"What's wrong with him?" I ask her.

"I don't know," she says. "He talks, but he only forms about half a sentence."

"I'll be back," I promise him. "I'm gonna go get the Alpha and your Daddy and I'll be right back." He starts throwing a fit.

"No!" he wails. "Luna no go! Baby!" I shoot Delly an awkward glance before stepping out of the house.

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