Lost Saga

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A/N: Cover thanks to @CLWilliams. Very much is appreciated.


            The world was a depressing place. Or at least the walls of the hospital were as it rushed by him. That was what he could put together, everything was moving too fast for his mind to keep up. He saw the bright lights hanging from the ceiling, he felt the soft bed under him, and his hand touched the side rails. He couldn’t breathe, yet somehow air was brought to his lungs. An oxygen mask was strapped around his nose and mouth.

            “It’s going to be okay, dear,” said a woman running by his side. “Everything’s going to be fine. It’s going to be okay.”

            Her voice granted him the reality of his situation. He was a dying man. He remembered; his carelessness got the better of him. Nobody was surprised. They diagnosed him with a disease even he hadn’t heard of, and they ordered him to take several pills each day. After many years of the same process, he became unconcerned. The fame of being the champion pushed his daily routine out of his head. This was the result.

            Life wasn’t fair. The people born before him had already sucked the fruit—called life—dry. He knew that, but he tried everything to squeeze what was left of the arid fruit. No, life wasn’t fair at all. His mind was foggy, turning his vision off, and shutting down his consciousness. Maybe this was where his story would end.

            In a matter of seconds, he was awakened to a completely different place. This time, he was able to move his body. Turning his head around to check his surrounding, he found himself on a floating island. It showed a beautiful display of spring grass, and a few sprouted sunflowers here and there. There was a pond in the middle of the island, and when he went over to it, he noticed that the pond was deep. Rocks on the other side of the pond spurted out waterfalls. He was still on his hands and knees, realizing that, he attempted to stand up. It was shaky at first, but he gained his balance.

            This was weird. Was this all just a dream? He was in the hospital bed before this.

            Clouds passed him by. He walked to the edges and looked down. He caught glimpses of villages, but they were too far away. He definitely couldn’t jump off of this island. In which case, why was he here?

            His questions were answered when the person who brought him here arrived. She sat behind the rocks, though he didn’t notice her. If he could measure this island, it would be at least 1600 square feet. Revealing herself, she grabbed his attention.

            “Hail, young fencer.”

            His eyes widened, staring at the woman. Her hair was like the color of obsidian, and it spread all the way to her feet. She had coral eyes and they burned profoundly. The woman had red markings covering her entire body. Her clothing was weird for it looked nothing like the common woman would wear. She had on socks going up to her thighs that appeared to be made for wearing sandals, yet she didn’t have sandals. A skirt covered up what was left of her lower body. She was dressed in a sleeveless mandarin blouse was what she had on, fingerless gloves reached her wrists.

            He was speechless, not knowing what to say.

            She smiled, and introduced herself calmly, “I am the Goddess Arusuma, and I rule the world of Lost Saga.” Watching his reaction, she continued on explaining, “I am a friend of your god, Rex, and he and I have made an arrangement.”

            “An arrangement?”

            “You are a flame that is about to be put out, Mr. Beaumont. I can save you from your fate, but only if you fulfill my request.”

            He stared at her, unconvinced.

            “My world is dying,” she confessed. “And even though I am a goddess, I am unable to intervene directly in Lost Saga’s conflict. Such is the code of the Creator. But with you, perhaps I can do something for Lost Saga after all.”

            “Why me?”

            Arusuma looked to the sky, grinning. “It appears that Rex have agreed completely to this arrangement. I shall begin relocating you.”

            “You haven’t answered my question,” he insisted.

            “You’ll know soon enough, Mr. Beaumont. Until then, we shall meet again.”

            Another light blinded him, and he was pushed off the island.

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