ch1. A Stranger, a School, and a Gift

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"Are you done yet?" whined the dog's left head. "Oh stop it! He still has an hour left before everyone leaves" said the dog's right head who was, of course, right.

"Actually I think I'm gonna stop this all together" said the human looking boy who was no longer staring through the window, "they never say anything new and the letters just give me a headache. Besides I think our efforts will be better spent on finding food. I'm really hungry." The boy, barley older than the ones in the room, put his hand on what little stomach he had.

"I wonder when the next…" the dog head began but was cut off as he noticed a strange woman walking over to them. The boy knew she was rich because her white shirt and blue pants were the perfect size and had no holes in them.

"Don't say that" the strange gray-eyed lady said which scared the boy even more "There's always more to learn, and even in mortal studies you barely scratched the surface!" The boy was terrified now. No one has ever spoken to him before other than the dog(s) and a few pigeons. The woman looked over her shoulder as if afraid someone will mug her, which in thiat neighborhood was not uncommon. When she looked back she was smiling

"Well, follow me and I'll show you a great place to learn more."

"Wait! Why should we follow you!" the dog's left head screamed. The boy stared confused at the woman who's face hadn't been affected by the dog's outburst. She still was smiling down on him holding out her hand. At least the confusion was enough to get rid of his fear, so the boy took her hand eager to see where she would lead him. The woman pulled him out of the alley where the boy had spent most of his life leaving the dog(s) no choice but to follow. They past the other windows the boy sometimes looked through, past the small store they took from when no school kids left their lunch boxes. The 4 got to the corner and froze. The light turned green but still the boy would not move. He had never been of the street before. It was all he knew. All he could remember.  The woman realizing what was going on had no chose but to bring out the big guns. The boy never blinked but it seems that one second he was petrified on the street corner, the next he was standing in front of a large building with kids much older than him walking out of.

"How'd you do that?" both dog heads asked the same time. The woman didn't seem to hear them and instead said, "Welcome to your new home" then pointed at something none of the others have seen before.

In the alley way laid a pillow, a blanket, an oversized dog bed. "What are those things" asked the dogs' right head. "Sooo..." the women asked waiting the boy to respond. "Why aren't you answering my brothers' question!?!" the woman looked very confused now.

"Your brother? You don't mean…" she heard the dog's left head bark loudly. The small boy nodded "What he said". The gray eyed woman looked very troubled now. "Oh dear, I was hoping I was wrong. I should not have come." She looked over both shoulders then pulled a coat out of her pocket and handed it to the boy who forgot all his suspicions with the present. He put it on eagerly. It was much too big but all of his clothes were either like that or barley fit on him. He put a hand in one pocket and felt two objects in there. As he was pulling them out to see what they were the woman put her hand on his.

"No" she whispered barely audible. "Not until the time is right." Then she disappeared.

Not to be seen again until a dream the boy had one afternoon acouple months later. There was no background, just darkness and two figures. One was the woman who gave him the coat. The other one was too cloaked in darkness too make out.

 "Why did you help him, he's not even your son" the dark figure said in a strange tone that the boy did not recognize. The grayed woman's mouth shot open, then closed again as if judging what to say. At length she simply replied,

"All creatures deserve knowledge whether or not who their parents are"

"But you know a satyr's about to go there!" snapped the dark figure. Her voice wasn't deep but it was menacing.

"Are you saying you don't want the poor half-blood to go to camp." The taller one replied coolly "Prêt ell, why is this?" Stuttering was all that came out of the dark figures mouth for a few seconds the regaining her posture she said the oldest one in the book.

"Oh, look at the time. My shifts about to start." The boy then woke up a little earlier than usual with no memory of the dream. Years passed, the boy was now almost the age of the ones in the school. Never did he take out the objects. He wasn't sure when the right time was but most days are the same.  Besides the boy was having too much fun with his other gift! In one window he learned how blood pumps trough the system human system and that if you put smoky ice in a water bottle it EXPLODES! Trough another he learned not only the name of the name of the place where he lived, but also the geography of it, how it had huge lakes and on the other side was canada. But his favorite window was way near the back of the alley. Through that window he learned about how Thebes killed the kicking thieve with the pet giant turtle. How Hercules choked the naemeon lion to death. They were so Amazing the boy couldn't believe these creatures were real. But little did he know they won't only real but out there…and in there

Homeless Half-Blood- part 1of a Percy Jackson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now