Love Is

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Love is the heart that is blind.

Love is the heart that doesn’t care what you look like,

For it has no eyes to see with.

Love is the heart that, no matter how many times it’s bruised,


Or torn to shreds,

It still cares for you.

Love is the heart that, with stitches everywhere, will hug you

And let your tears sting its open wounds.

Love is the heart that is okay with being in pain,

As long as the pain you’re in is disappearing,


Love is the heart wrapped in gauze that asks you “are you okay?”

It is the heart that always forgives and forgets,

Because that heart knows that love is more important than a mistake or an accident.

Love is the bleeding heart that will die of blood loss,

Before seeing any harm come to you.

Because that heart has no eyes

So it’s only able to see how beautiful and perfect you are.

That will know your flaws but thinks they’re beautiful,


And Out.

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