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Seven years after the war and the fight with Kaguya.

All of Naruto's hard work paid off, he finally became Hokage. Well after Kakashi stepped down.

Hinata and Naruto have finally settled down. They have two kids, Boruto the oldest and Himawari the youngest. Even though Naruto wishes to spend time with his family. He is just too busy at work, than to be at home with his family.

As for Sasuke, he finally accepted Sakura's feeling, and now has his own family. There daughter Sarada is the same age as Boruto. He is now a spy for the seventh. And is mostly out too.

It was in the summer when Hinata and Sakura's planed to have dinner together. Himawari thought it was a beautiful idea, and started making a boutique of flowers, she was going to place on the table. The age of 5 she already has a green thumb.

Boruto however was not so supportive. He believes his father won't come because him being Hokage he won't have time for it.

Sarada was on the same side, believing her father won't make it back from the mission; that the Hokage sent him on.

And now both of the families were at the Hokage place but none of the head men have showed yet.

Sakura and Hinata were cooking, in the kitchen, while Himawari decorates the table. Sarada and Boruto have already given up on hoping that their fathers will show. Now they're just sitting and watching TV.

A knock comes from the door. "I'll get it mom!" Shouts Boruto. He Gose to open the door. 'It can't be dad, he would just walk right in saying I'm home, then who would it be?' Boruto thinks while he open the door and there stands, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Uncle Sasuke is here!" Shouts Boruto. "Thou-san!!"shouts the running girl, who jumps up and hugs the said man. "My Sara, how have you been feeling?" Asks Sasuke. "Very good!!" Replies Sarada. They walk to the living room.

"Welcome back, Sasuke." Says Sakura from the kitchen. "Himawari, can you come here?" Says Hinata. Himawari goes to the kitchen to see what her mother needs. "Yes?" She says. She hands her a tray, with a blow of chips and drinks. "Go put this on the table in the living room, for our guests." "Okay!"

Once the tray was set on the table, Boruto was already digging in the blows of chips. "Hello, uncle Sasuke. How was your mission?" Asks Himawari. "It went good. how are you? Still working with flowers?" He replies. "Oh yes! I'm working on them right now!" "Well don't let me bother you." "You aren't, but in going to finish them. I'll be right back." And she runs off to finish placing flowers.

Boruto walk to the kitchen. "Mom when is Thou-cha going to come home?" "He'll come home when his work is done." "But that'll be in 2 h!" "Well the food will be done in two hours too. So it's work well. Why don't you take Uncle Sasuke and the rest to a walk or the park?" "....fine." he runs back to the living room. "Uncle Sasuke why don't we go to the park where you can show me your favorite move!!!" "Sure, let all go." 3 of them head for the door. "Don't forget about me." Himawari yells. She runs and jumps on to Sasuke. "We're going!"Yells Sarada. "Have a nice trip!" Reply Hinata and Sakura.

~With Naruto~

"Now I just have to finish with these documents and I'll be heading home." Says Naruto. Shikamaru comes in, and places an arms length of papers on the seventh's desk. "What's this?" Asks Naruto looking very pale by the amount of paper. "These are the applicants records and information, for the Aumdu cops. You have to look over these by tomorrow." "But I have to go to dinner soon!" "Then you better start working." Shikamaru walks out. 'I'll use a clone then....but it'll still take me 3 hours to finish. Wait a little longer Boruto!'

At the park~
"Chidori!!" "Uncle Sasuke that.. was awesome!!" "You think so??" "Yeah!!" They were in the practice area, and Sasuke was showing the kids little technics and moves. Himawari was staring at Sasuke and looked deep in thought. "Uncle Sasuke?" "Yes?" "You and thou-cha both have bandages on one of your arms, why is that??" Sasuke was shocked. So was Boruto and Sarada but they wanted to know why too.

"Me and your father had a fight long ago. That's why." "What's behind it? Is it a hideous scar?" Asks Sarada. "Who did you fight!?!?" Asks Boruto.

*sigh* Sasuke looks at the kids. 'I guess Naruto won't mind if I told them.' "I guess I'll start from the very beginning. Do you guys know your father's past." They shake their heads. "Well your father and I were both the same but very different. He never experienced love at all, he never had any parents. The villagers hated him cause he was the jinjuriki for the nine tails fox. As for me I did have parents and an older brother, to save the village all of our clan had to die. My brother and me were the only ones in our entire clan. But he joined the akatsuki who were hunting down all the jinjuriki. He was the one behind the killing of our clan he left the village after that. But Naruto and I were both alone in this world Naruto always played pranks in the village so he can gain attention. But me I was trying to get stronger to avenge me clan. He wanted to be accepted, I wanted to bring back my clan. But after I left the village alone to get stronger, and naruto left with his teacher to get stronger too. After 3 years we met again. Naruto and Sakura came to find me. We we enemy's for a long time after that. We both gotten stronger just so we can fight each other again. Along the way I finally killed my brother, and found out why he killed our clan. And after that I did many wrong things. But Naruto's main plan was to get me back. Then the war happened. Naruto and I joined side to defeat the enemy. But after the war, we fought and if I won I would have become Hokage and done many more wrong things. But if Naruto won he would have brought me back to the village with all mistakes forgiven. During the war the previous Hokage's came and helped fight in the war. The 4 Hokage was Naruto's father. And Naruto, even if it was for a short time, felt his parents love. All the Hokage's gave him blessing that he has already gone above them. And everyone already thought of him as Hokage. During our fight we both lost an arm. And in the end Naruto won me over. And we came back to the village. After a while I went back out on special missions. The whole shinobi world now thinks of Naruto first, when there is a big problem. But if he's not here to save the day I will be the second choice. So Boruto understand that your father worked very hard for his job and don't go around saying your better of without a father cause out of all of us he knows how much a father is really worth."

Sarada and Boruto had there jaws dropped the whole time. Himawari didn't understand any of it and was playing with flowers.

"I didn't think thou-san was that strong!! Oh thou-cha don't worry I'll help during back our clan to what it use to be. I promise!!" Sarada says with tears in her eyes.

"Boruto give your father some slack he's worked hard. And being your fathers friend I know that he loves his family more that anything." Says Sasuke to Boruto.

"Is he really what people call him to be. The protector of the world?" Ask Boruto in a low voice.

"If he didn't stop the moon from falling on the earth than there wouldn't be a world at all. So yeah he is the protector." Says Sasuke as he hugs his crying daughter.

".......I have to go." Says Boruto.
He gets up and leaves. "Uncle Sasuke!!! I made you this!!" Says Himawari while placing a flower necklace on him. "One for you too! Ohnae-chan!" Placing one on Sarada as well. "Where did Nii-chan go?"

~Back with Naruto~
Naruto was just finishing up his paper work. When Shikamaru came in looking very worried.
"I think you should come look at this." That was enough to get Naruto up and running after him.
They reached the roof of the building. All around the village just 30 min away were black clouds. rain was coming towards that village too.
"Looks like the worst storm of the year." Says Shikamaru. "Put the village on level 3 lock down now!!" Yells Naruto to Shikamaru. He then turns to two of the ambu ninjas. "You! I want you to get all the jonin shinobi and get everyone off the streets. Whoever lives on lower ground see too that they can get to higher ground." "Yes Hokage-sama. " They left.

"Shadow clone jutsu!!" Naruto multipled into the ten thousands to help get everyone to safety.

Not even three min later alarms were going off in the village. Everyone's thoughts were that Naruto their Hokage will protect them.

~~I hope you like it!!

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