Why did that thought stir up unwanted jealousy in me,I forced myself to suppress the feelings and focused on the incredibly sexy man in front of me.

He turned his attention back to the body in front of him,searching the pockets.

I just stood there unable to move,was it the shock of the incident or the shock of this extremely hot guy in front of me?

It probably was a little bit of both.

He looked up at me with those striking blue ice chip of eyes again."We will  need to keep in contact.In case those guys come back looking for you.What's your number?"

I searched my mind,what was my number again?

"1-877-439-8542"I replied finally finding my voice and my memory.

He nodded saving it on his phone.
"I'll call you to find out how you're keeping.But for now you can go home.I would of dropped you home myself but I can't leave this body here."he explained.

I nodded.The only problem was that I couldn't seem to move my feet.

He looked at me confused."Aren't you going to your car?"

"I'm sorry.I can't seem to move."I answered honestly feeling embarrassed.

He studied me for a moment before walking closer to where I stood.

"What are you doing?"I inquired nervously.

"Getting you to your car."he said picking me up bridal style.
I yelped in surprise.

"Relax.I'll put you down in a minute."

I closed my eyes to the sensations I felt with his body making contact with mines,his hands on my bare legs brought along feelings that were alien to me.

He reached the car -too soon and placed me in the front seat."I'll call you."he said before turning to walk away.

"Wait!"I called realising I didn't even thank him for saving me.

"What is it?"he asked turning back around holding my gaze with his intense look.

"Thank you."I whispered.

He nodded."Drive safely."

I shut the door and against my wishes drove off leaving him there.

Would I ever see him again?

As soon as I opened the front door to the house I was greeted by worried faces.

"Where have you been?"my mother asked angrily.

"What happened to your hand?"my dad demanded examining my hands.

I looked down and noticed the faint bruises on my arms,probably from where the kidnapper had gripped me.

"You had us all worried."grandfather Liam said with a look of disapproval .

"Rosella would you say something."Brent all but shouted impatiently.

"Let's take a seat and I'll tell you all about it."I answered softly fidgeting with the hem of my dress.

We all took a seat.

"Now talk."my father commanded.

"I left the party at seven.While on my way home I noticed a car following me.I pulled onto a back road to see if it really was and it followed me into the back road.When I pulled into another road to head back onto the highway it was blocked off.Two men with guns came out of the vehicle-"

"Men with guns!"grandfather Ben shouted clutching his cup in a tight grip.

"Yes grandpa.They told me to get out of the vehicle or they would shoot.I started to scream and one of them covered my mouth.I bit his hand and took off running until I bounced into someone.Whoever he was,he saved me."I explained,my mind going back to the handsome stranger.

My mother had her hands over her mouth ,while my father and grandfathers' rose up from where they were sitting angrily.

"They tried to kidnap my baby girl."my father shouted turning red with fury,grabbing the phone on the table as though he was about to get someone to make them pay for trying to kidnap me,which was absurd,I doubt anyone could catch that kidnapper now.

"Remain calm son.These obviously were the same guys.They've strike again.They won't rest until they have her now.She is in serious danger.We have to find those kidnappers before they get to her first."grandfather Liam said sounding worried.

"They can try all they want but they won't get close to my granddaughter." Grandfather Ben cut in.

"Who was the guy who saved you?"Brent asked,his look deadly,I rarely ever saw my brother this angry.

"I-I don't know.He took my number and said he would call me to see if I was okay."

"We need to thank him."my mother said ,finally finding her voice.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and pulled me into her embrace."Thank God nothing happened to you."

"You need a bodyguard." my father said in a flat tone.

"And I know just the right person."Grandfather Liam cut in.

"A bodyguard?" I asked in distress.The thought of someone knowing my every whereabouts, being my shadow for an entire day was not something I was fond of.

"Before you say anything against it Rosella,I won't change my decision."my dad warned.

I sighed."Okay father."

"Who are you assigning as her bodyguard?"Brent asked.

"John Miller."

"Why does it have to be John,we have many other agents capable of protecting her."Brent suggested.

"He is our  best agent,Rosella is the next victim,with John by her side she will be safe and we would also have a better chance at catching the criminals."he explained pulling out his phone."I'll call him now and ask him to come over."

I couldn't believe this,despite almost being  kidnapped and saved by the most handsome man I'd ever seen ,I was now being forced to go around with an FBI agent as a bodyguard for Lord alone knows how long.

Somehow the nightmares were already coming through.

My life was transforming and turning upside down while I watched helplessly.

Falling For The FBI Agent (Sample Story)Where stories live. Discover now