roballen2 10-6-58 06-3-2011 updated Aug. 7, 2011

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  • Dedicated to now with the cosmic conciousness

 The multi-media artist known on the inter-net known as roballen 2

Died late last night after his van crashed into an overpass on interstate expressway I-75.

 An autopsy is being performed. The next posting will be from the law offices involved in handling his estate and intellectual property. He was a productive artist, musician, songwriter, writer, sculpture, recording artist and video artist.

His sites will remained posted as a memorial, until surviving members of his family/friends receive notice otherwise from his lawyers.

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     It's been a couple months now. Going through the files just on the computer, are daunting & haunting. I've yet to see what are on ALL THESE DISCS? Not to mention an external hard drive.

A outboard, "Floppy" unit...I hope he's already converted the formats, but My Father's "Live in the Moment" attitude, ...and procrastination makes me think...probably not.  Also a 24 track digital mastering station full of un-mixed, possibly, "Un- added production" of original music & songs.

In his files I came across a small note. It said,

"Don't play it like Kafka's Lawyer, fuck this time sucking shit"

"Throw out any remaining, aborted art etc. and delete all material before shutting down all social sites. The Networking thing, turned out to be a royal waste of time and effort. The time I spent fucking with this god-damn computer, I could have made more music, or painted a dozen masterpieces"

This has been copied and pasted, so it is exactly as he typed it.

A lot of different rumors have been circulating since his death.

He presented no pretense to me, he saw wrong, referred to it as,"Bad-wrongness", he would have like to right things....when he could aid in suffering, he did. He hated WARS.

He was quite reclusive in the past three years or so. My Ma would say, "Your paranoid"

To which he would reply, "Am I paranoid enough?"

He always told me, "Facebook" was "Coin-tel Pro" I had to look it up, I suggest you do the same.

They kicked him off for almost two years, then by some weird bullshit he was re-instated.

"A sheeple" site", that's what he called it.

Shortly after being re-instated he choose to close it down. I asked why he was re-instated, to just close it down.

He said, "It seems you need Facebook to tie all your sites together."

He became more and more disgusted with the internet.  I certain he was going to shut the shit down (As he would put it) anyway.

    so...I've deleted and shut down what I could. Ideas, and content die hard and slow in cyber-space.

    Regarding an, "Autopsy" My Dad was a body donor.  I can't see much that could have been used from his mangled corpse...but "THEY" carted his remains off quite quickly.

He told Ma, "Don't spend one stinkin' dime on my rottin' corpse"

She complied. He was insured. They did tell me he had the makings for an LSD lab, and something about "Rare Wood" in his van. I think that is bullshit.

    His experiments with animals were kind, again, "They" make him sound like sort of a weirdo.

He had a appreciation for all living things.

"One rule" he'd say,"Respect what lives". Another thing, My dad, roballen2, was always, "Trippen". He put three drops of liquid (out of the freezer) on his tongue right before leaving. The very day he died. He claimed, "It makes me feel normal".

So...there is your update. I busy dealing with this.

But check out my site, lilyruthallen

....and what would my father sign off with, "Be Positive" or something....

roballen2 10-6-58 06-3-2011Where stories live. Discover now