Chapter 9

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Abby's P.O.V

When Kyle told me about his sister, I started wondering what she's like.
"How come you never talk about your sister?", I asked.

"She's not worth talking about", he replied.

"Is she bad or something?".

" Lets just say, she broke a few rules".

"What kind of rules?". He chuckled but I didn't see what was so funny though.

"If Ashley wants to tell you, she will. Speaking of Ashley, I have to go call her". He walked away heading to the library. I'm gonna assume that he doesn't want me to know about Ashley. I went to the bedroom and sat on the bed. I heard footsteps approach the room.
"I have to go out for a bit. My sister wants me to meet her somewhere", he said.

"Do you have to go?", I asked. I walked over to him and he held my waist.

"Yes. If you want her in a good mood when she comes over, then I have to go. I guess you could say that she's a princess and always gets her way", he replied giving me a kiss.

"Be safe. Don't kill anyone", I said.

"Tell Ashley that. I'll be safe. Love you".

"Love you too", I replied. He walked out the room and out the door. Ugh she's the princessy type. Great, can't wait to meet Ashley. Daughter of the devil.

An hour later Kyle came back with his sister. She was a couple of inches taller than me, long blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, and light olive skin.
"Ashley, this is Abby, my fiancee. Abby, this is my sister Ashley".

"Abby, it's so nice to meet you", she said. She gave me a light hug and stepped back to admire me. I looked at her and she kept staring at me.

"So Ashley, is Kyle a good brother?", I asked.

"Yeah, the best. He's the best brother anyone could ask for. But I'm sure he'll be a great husband", she replied.

"Come on Ash, I'll show you to your room", Kyle said. They both walked upstairs and I was left in corridor. This girl can't be his sister. She's to good to be true. I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. I was in desperate need of a snack. After not finding anything, I closed the fridge and walked to the living room. I found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote them a note.
"Went out for a snack. Be back soon.
I put the note where they will find it and walked out the house. I ran to the woods and stood still. I heard light footsteps coming my way. It was a doe. I ran towards it and pinned it down. My fangs come out my gums and I sank my teeth into it. Once the blood hit my tongue, I felt much better. I don't know why, but when I felt uncomfortable, I started eating which was rare. When I finished, I wiped the blood off with the back of my hand and walked around the forest. All the questions in my head starting getting crowded. There were so many of them. How can someone so sweet like Ashley commit a crime? She's been around long enough to know the rules. Why doesn't Kyle talk about her? What did she do to make Kyle not talk about her. I'm sure he has a good explanation for everything. I walked home and saw Ashley and Kyle sitting in the living room laughing and smiling. Sounds like those two are having a good time. I walked in and they both turned to look at me.
"Oh, there you are Abby. I was wondering where you went", Ashley said.

"Oh I went out for a snack".

"Well Abby, I was thinking and I wanted to know if I could be one of your bridesmaids".

"Oh. Well, I haven't thought about that yet but I don't see why not", I said. She jumped up in excitement and came to hug me.

"We have to go pick out the dresses".

"We have to wait. I called my friend Kim and I told her that we would go but you can come to", I said.

"Great. You'll have two opinions. Well, I'm gonna go out now. Need a meal before I meet your friend. I'll be back later", she said walking out. I heard the door close behind her and stared Kyle dead in the eye.
"What?", he asked.

"You said that she acts all princessy", I replied.

"When she wants to. She won't right now but when she doesn't get her way, you see her bad side".

"Okay. I'm sorry. But if she gets out of line, I will put her in her place", I threatened.

"I think I can do that". He held my waist and gave me a kiss. "Just wait. Once we're married, I will make you the happiest girl alive".

"You already have", I said.

"I'll keep it that way". He gave me another kiss that made me feel sparks.

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