3. Being a Targaryen

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                The next morning I couldn't bear the way every single man in the Night's Watch looked towards me, even Jon, so I decided to go to the stables where the horses were kept. One of the horses particularly caught my attention. His eyes where almost totally white and his body totally black like the darkest of the nights.

"-There you are..." - I heard Gilly's voice but I simply continued to pet the beautiful and mysterious horse. "– Are you ok?"

I looked at her. I didn't know if I was ok or not... On one side I'm feeling terrible since I still can't remember a single thing about my past but on the other hand the moment with the dragon yesterday made me feel strangely more... Relieved? I felt some type of a connection with him. But of course, I couldn't talk to anyone about it because they would never understand.

Even though I didn't like the woman with red hair, her theory of me being a Targaryen made me think, could it be? And even if I was... What would that make my future?

"-I'm fine, thank you. I just wanted to be alone for a while."

"-Look... Sam thinks that he can help you." – Gilly said almost whispering.

-"Sam?" – I don't recall meeting a man here named Sam but I assumed that it was the short and large man that I saw Gilly with earlier.


"-Can I talk to him now?" – The curiosity was killing me. I really had to know.

"-I think so, follow me."

And so I did, ignoring the looks and whispers from other men. She led me to a place that looked like a small library and in the middle of some books there he was, sitting on a small chair with a table in front of him.

When he noticed our presence he immediately stood up and smiled.

"-Please... sit." – He said pointing to a chair on the opposite side of the table. "– My name is Sam." – He introduced himself before I could sit shaking our hands with a friendly smile.

"-I'm Aldith." – I smiled in response to his nervous smile and then we both sat down. "– Gilly said you could answer some of my questions..."

"-Well... They are just theories but because you don't know anything about your past it's better than nothing." – I couldn't avoid breaking my smile. "– I'm sorry." - I could see that he felt really guilty.

"-It's ok... It is the truth after all. But the theory of me... Being a Targaryen... Do you think it is possible?"

"-Well... It is impossible for you to be a full blood Targaryen since your hair is dark brown and all Targaryans had silver hair but... It is possible if a Targaryen had a child with a woman from a different family for example. Silver hair with the brown hair of your mother possibly you would be born with brown hair... Like you have now."

"-So it is possible?" – My heart started to beat faster.

"-Yes, it is. And after what happened yesterday... It is the only possible reason that I can find to explain what happened with the dragon."

"-And if I am a Targaryen... what does that mean to my future? And what is the connection between me and that dragon?"

"-Well, to tell you the truth I thought dragons were extinct but since it looks like they are obviously not you probably have some connection with him. It was very common for Targaryens to have these connections with dragons and he is probably connected to you and that's why he traveled so far north. To see you."

He came to see me... My own dragon.

"-Is there anything that I can do to ... contact with him or anything?"

Game of Thrones: The lost Targaryen (Jon Snow Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now