Chapter 6

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                Morning came and I feel very lonely. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just one of those days. You know feels like I’m very unlucky this day.

                I was walking alone and I saw Damian and Kristine walking together. Well not together anyway. I think. Damian was walking very fast and he’s leaving Kristine behind. She’s telling something to Damian and Damian – well, I don’t know what he’s saying. Maybe they were talking about the tutor thing. There’s a small pain inside my heart. A little bit, one thing for sure; I’m jealous.

                I just ignored them. I don’t know if Damian saw me or what. I’m just really jealous and mad right now.


                Someone called me and I saw Josh running towards me. “Good morning!” he greeted with a breezly smile. He looked so cute when he smiles.

                “Good morning,” I greeted back.

                “You sick?” he asked looking very worried.

                “No, why?” I asked.

                “You looked kinda sick. Something bothering you?” he asked me.

                I looked at him. Josh was really cute. Damian and Josh got the same eye color. But Damian’s was more darker. The weird thing is, it feels like I’ve known Josh for more than a month. I feel comfortable with him.

                “Nothing,” I said. “Thank you for your concern.”

                I smiled at him.

                He stopped.

                “What?” I said.

                “You’re really pretty when you smile,” he said. He smiled shyly.

                I blushed.

                “And you’re my first friend here in Swift,” he said.

                I looked at him and said, “Friend?”

                Josh looked at me embarrassed.

                “No, no!” I started shaking my head. “Don’t think it that way. I’m just happy you consider me as one of your friends that’s all. Thank you.”

                “I should be the one thanking you,” he said sweetly. He smiled at me.

                I just looked away from him. I was blushing. Stop it Chelsea! Stop blushing!

                “Are you sure you’re not sick? Let me touch your forehead,” he said leaning close to me.

                “No, I’m fine,” I said surprised.

                He touched my forehead and said, “You’re not sick,” he said. “Maybe – “

                I was really shocked what happened next. A second ago Josh was beside me and now he was at the ground. Someone punched him in the face. I looked back and saw Damian and his fist clenched.

                “Damian!” I yelled. “What did you do? He’s not doing anything wrong!”

                But he just stared evilly at Josh. I looked at Josh and his nose was bleeding.

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