The Obstacle Course

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The next day, Ruby, Jade, Amber, Roland, Miranda, Princess Hildegard, and Princess Clio were ready to watch James, Sofia, and Hugo race on the obstacle course.

"Ready, kids?" Roland asked.

"Ready!" called Sofia and the princes.

"Okay," Roland said. "On your mark, get set, go!"

Sofia and the princes started racing down the course. Hugo managed to swing across the moat and climb over the wall perfectly. Pretty soon, he was ahead of Sofia and James.

The trio moved onto the spinning pads. Hugo managed to get through and made it through the windmill. Reaching the hurdles, he jumped over all three perfectly and headed for the finish line.

"Alright!" Hugo cheered bursting through the tape.

"Great job, Prince Hugo," Miranda said.

"Awesome," James said. "Sofia taught you good."

"You should totally do this for your family before you go home," Sofia suggested.

"Alright," Hugo said.

But suddenly, Sofia let out a sneeze, and everybody was surprised at this.

"What?" Jade gasped. "We don't understand!"

"Prince Hugo is fine," Ruby added. "Why are you...?"

Sofia let out another sneeze.

Hugo took a little sniff and asked, "Is that perfume I smell?"

Ruby and Jade gasped in horror at his comment.

"Oh, that's just my new Bombshell perfume," Hildegard said.

Ruby and Jade were relieved to hear that.

"Is there something you girls would like to tell us?" Miranda asked.

Hugo and the three girls weren't so sure if they wanted to tell everyone what happened, but everyone was wondering why they were worried about the perfume smell.

"It's a long story," Sofia sniffled.

"We'd be happy to hear it," Roland said.

But then Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," everyone said.

"But first, you'll need your medicine," Baileywick said.

After Sofia took her allergy medicine, Baileywick gave her goggles to prevent the perfume smell from stinging her eyes and a mask to cover her nose and mouth to avoid smelling the perfume.

After that, Sofia, Hugo, Jade, and Ruby told everyone what had happened yesterday. Ruby and Jade learned that it's not okay to use wishes against other people.

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