Time for a Bath

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Meanwhile, Ruby and Jade were watching everything.

"Prince Hugo must be making Sofia sneeze," Ruby said. "The wish worked!"

"Oh, I'm so happy we found this amethyst," said Jade.

Sofia went up to Ruby and Jade. "Hey, guys," she said.

"Hi, Sofia," said Jade. "Where's Prince Hugo?"

"He has to take a bath right now," said Sofia. "But he said it's okay for me to play with you guys while he's getting cleaned up."

"That's very nice of him," said Ruby. "Well, let's get started."

"Alright," said Jade. The three girls went off to have a little fun.

Meanwhile, Violet was giving Hugo a bath, and Hugo seemed to enjoy himself. He wasn't happy that he had to go through the experience again, but he didn't mind baths very much.

"You never thought you'd go through this experience again, did you?" Violet asked as she scrubbed behind Hugo's ears.

"No—and I even promised myself I'd never go through it ever again," Hugo said.

"Well, don't you worry, dear prince," Violet said, carefully scrubbing Hugo's tummy. "We'll have you feeling better in no time. While you enjoy yourself, I'll get your clothes washed."

Pretty soon, Hugo was squeaky clean, and he changed into his sports outfit. Since Sofia was still with Ruby and Jade, he went to the obstacle course on his own.

Meanwhile, Sofia, Jade, and Ruby were painting butterflies.

"Don't our paintings look great?" asked Jade.

"Yeah, they sure do," said Ruby.

"Well, while we wait for the paint to dry, I'm going to see how Hugo is doing," said Sofia. "He must be waiting for me."

Ruby and Jade were crestfallen.

"Do you really have to go and see Prince Hugo, Sofia?" Ruby asked.

"Well, he's probably done with his bath right now," Sofia said. "I'm going to see how he's doing."

Jade and Ruby were sad that Sofia was going to pay more attention to Hugo than to them.

Sofia the First: The Wishing AmethystUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum