Confession Time

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Sofia was reading a book in the shade when Ruby and Jade came along.

"Ruby, Jade, I was wondering what happened to you," said Sofia.

"Uh, Sofia, we did something bad," said Jade nervously.

Sofia frowned and asked, "Go on—how bad?"

Ruby stammered, "You see? We sort of...made Prince Hugo smell like perfume!"

"You did what?" Sofia gasped.

"Well, we found this magical amethyst, and we made this wish," Ruby explained. "Poof! We got matching necklaces."

"Then we wished Prince Hugo would make you sneeze, but that made him smell like Amber's fancy new perfume," Jade added. "So we tried to fix it, and we made him smell like lily perfume."

"Just as we wished for him to smell like himself, the amethyst turned dark blue," Ruby finished. "Now we don't know what to do."

Sofia was horrified by what she was hearing. "This magical jewel grants wishes?" she asked.

"At least it used to," Ruby said.

"And you wished Hugo smelled like perfume?" Sofia asked.

"No, we wished you'd be allergic to him," Jade corrected her.

"That doesn't sound much better," Sofia glared.

"You were spending so much time with Prince Hugo," Jade said. "We just wanted you to spend more time with us."

"But now the amethyst won't let us fix Prince Hugo," said Ruby.

"I think Hugo needs to know what you did to him," Sofia said.

After Hugo's bath, he still smelled like lily perfume, which really didn't surprise him or Sofia. Ruby and Jade told him about the mess they got him in.

"Oh, unfortunately, this isn't the first time someone got me into this kind of mess," Hugo groaned. "You can't fix this problem with this amethyst because it probably lost all its wishing magic already."

"Do you think so?" Jade asked.

"Well, it's happened before, and I guess we'll have to look up this mysterious jewel in the library," Sofia sniffled.

"Well, I guess we'd better get researching," Hugo said.

Just as he and the girls were about to head to the library, Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," said Hugo, Ruby, and Jade.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled.

In the castle library, Hugo and the girls were looking for the book they needed.

"Here it is: The Complete Guide to Magical Jewels," Sofia sniffled. She looked through the book until she saw a purple gemstone.

"That's the one," Ruby said.

Hugo held the dark blue amethyst next to the picture and read, "The Wishing Amethyst: This magical gemstone has the power to grant wishes for whomever is touching it. But the amethyst is incredibly rare because the magic is very weak and cannot last very long. The Wishing Amethyst can only grant three wishes—once all the three wishes are granted, the Amethyst will turn dark blue and lose its magic."

Ruby and Jade were really ashamed.

"Oh, if only there was a way we can get that smell off," Jade sighed.

Sofia thought for a moment—she remembered the Wishing Well in the garden, but she promised her father she'd stay away from it. But she knew another object that could grant wishes.

"You know? There's an enchanted mirror in the attic that can grant wishes," Sofia sniffled. "But it's way in the back, so it won't be easy to find it."

"Then we'd better look for it," Ruby said.

"And before my parents catch us looking for it," Sofia said.

Sofia the First: The Wishing AmethystМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя