Chapter 3: The Special Operations Squad

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You packed your things and headed to your new room, or rather tried to find it. On your way there, you were approached by a tall, blonde guy. Behind him you could see a brown haired guy who looked to be the same height, another guy with blonde hair and a haircut that resembled Levi's and the only person you were familiar with - Petra. The guy who approached you had a serous look on his face, but a soon as you got closer, his mouth formed a slight grin.

"You're our new squad member, right? I'm Eld, nice to meet you." He said and held out his hand.

"Yeah, Hi! I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you too." You were pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome you received, so you smiled and shook his hand as if to thank him for it.

"This is Gunther and Oluo." He pointed at the two men standing behind him. The guy with brown hair, who you now knew as Gunther, smiled and waved his hand at you, while the other guy (Oluo) simply stared at you with a smirk.

"And this right here is Petra." He pointed at the only woman standing in front of you. You could clearly see how unhappy she was with you.

"We've already met before..." She shot you a bitter stare.

You started to feel uncomfortable. The way she spoke was like she was saying, I hate you get away from me, and the look in her eyes explained how she felt without even having to say anything. But you weren't one to be put down by a pesky girl.

"Where are you headed to?" Eld asked.

"To my new room, Corporal said I need to be closer to my new squad. The only problem is, I don't really know where is it."

"Really? That's a bit odd. You aren't suppose to switch rooms if you join a new squad, you stay in the same one. But who am I to question Corporal's decisions, do you need any help finding it?" Eld said.

"Er.. Yeah, that would be nice, thanks."

'Okay, that's weird... Why did Corporal want me to switch rooms if it's unnecessary? Was he trying to be nice for once? No, Levi isn't one to randomly start acting nice for no reason. This is confusing.'

You and your teammates walked through the halls, making small talk with each other and slowly becoming friends. Petra was the only person who stayed silent the whole time. You ignored the looks she gave you from time to time. Why would you have to get upset by her attitude? She just made some shit up in her head, thinking that Levi belongs to her and you are some sort of a maniac, that tries to take him away from her. Truth is, you rarely ever spoke to Levi, never once had you given her a reason to hate you, besides what she heard from Hanji about your petty crush. It didn't matter to you. You took Hanji's advice and started acting like an adult.

"Here we are," Eld said, "need any help unpacking?" He stared at the stack of folded clothes and a few other things in your hands.

"No thanks, I appreciate your help."

"Okay, see you later then." Eld and others left the room.

"It was nice meeting you, (Y/n)." Gunther said as he closed the door.

"You too!" You smiled. You were happy with how nice your teammates turned out to be. You expected some rude comments about how you didn't deserve to be in the Special Ops Squad or something like that, but it turned out to be great!

You began to unpack when suddenly, the door to your room swung open and there she was. Petra entered your room without saying anything. She didn't have to, perhaps it was the look she gave you that explained everything. She closed the door and leaned against it.

"Just because Squad Leader Hanji helped you join Levi's squad, doesn't mean he will like you." She said and crossed her arms.

You were very irritated by her words. Couldn't she tell by the way you looked, when you first found out you were joining Levi's squad, that you were NOT happy with this choice?

"Ok. You know what? Enough of this. First of all, I never said I wanted to join his squad, I did at first but Hanji wanted me to join her's so I acquiesced in her decision. When I found out I was going to join Levi's squad I reluctantly agreed, because I HAD NO CHOICE. I never told you I liked Levi," 'although I still do', "and I know that you heard Hanji say stuff about me. Do you really believe everything she says? What if she was joking around or simply poking fun at me? I want you to stop hating me for no reason at all. We are soldiers, not little kids, we must fight and work together as a team! But how can we, if you give me this attitude?!"

"So.. You mean, you don't like Corporal Levi..?" Petra said as she shivered in nervousness, your words were so unexpected and strong, she didn't expect something like this to come from you.

"No." 'I lied. I can't tell her the truth. We must act mature and get over this, unless we want to get ourselves or someone else eaten by titans during an expedition. Besides, it doesn't matter if I still like him or not, he wouldn't like me back either way... Might as well tell her that I don't have feelings for him until I actually get over him.'

"Oh..err..I'm er.. I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have judged you just by what I heard. So.. er.. does this mean you don't mind if I.. take him?" She asked sheepishly.

"Of course not," 'I lied again,' "If you promise to stop bickering and not hate me so much, then we're good." I said and smiled.

"Sure thing, we can be friends, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Oh, okay. Again, I'm sorry, I judged way too quickly." She said and looked down to her feet, as if she was embarrassed by her own actions.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled and hugged her. It felt good to finally be at peace with her. When Petra wasn't jealous, she could be a sweet girl and a good friend. Love can do all sorts of things to you.

She then started to walk towards the door and I continued to unpack my stuff.

"Don't forget, Corporal wanted us to do some training today!" Petra said as she was about to exit your room.

"Yeah, I remember, thanks." She then left and closed the door behind her.

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