honesty is key

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jay P.O.V•

We had been at rochelles and i was cooling it on the couch i was on my phone ro sat in my lap i smiled at her

"U alright my son should be here any minute"she says with a big smile on her face i nod and smile

"Im fine cant wait to meet him"i say she nods they so sexy she stands

"Ro were is your nail polish can i take a color home"the girl cloe said she was so fine she had a smile on her face she was brownskined she was so pretty and thick

"Cloe come here"i say with a smirk she giggles walking my way

"Wat jay"she says with a smirk i chuckle

"Wat u doing"i ask her and stand she giggles and blush

"Finna paint my nails"she says i nod and pull her closer to me she jumped back when the door opened i chuckled

"Were anna ass at im finna kill her"ro yelled smiling as she ran to the back rek walked in with a little boy

"Go find your damn mama bad ass"rek says i chuckle

"Mama"he yells ro comes in

"Hi baby"she says with a smile she kiss him he smiles

"Who is this mama"he asked looking at me

"This is jay your uncle"she says i smirk he chuckles we dap and i pick him up

"How old are u"i ask as i walk in the kitchen

"4 u"

"17"i say and grab us a soda

"Come to my room"he says i nod following him to his room i layed on his bed he had a queen size bed dont know why he was little

"Wanna play my xbox"i smirk and nod sitting on the floor next to him

"Mama"he yells she comes in

"Wat noel stop yelling boy"she says

"I really need some new games can we go now"he asked hooking up the system

"Yeah put your shoes on u going jay"i nod and stand i walk to the living rochelle was at the door she hooked her arms with mine she so short i laugh i was lowkey looking at her ass

"Keep your eyes on her face lil nigga"rek says i chuckle and nod lifting my head us 3 walk out i sit in the passengers seat and she starts to drive

"We gotta get u a car jay your 17"she says i nod she stops on the side of the rode she comes to my side

"I dont wanna drive u drive"she says i smirk and nod i get in the drivers seat and put the car in drive

"U dont talk alot"she aays i smile

"I dont"i ask her she nods and smiles

"I dont know i thought i did"i say sheshakes her head no

"Mama i want a kiss"noel says laughing

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