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Read fit for Royalty

Rek P.O.V•

I drove to my house everybody got out i opened the door and walked up to my room with ro's hand in mine i shut the door and sit on the bed pulling her with me she smiles i chuckle

"U straight"i ask her she nods laying her head on my chest i lay back

"Im fine actually"she says with a giggle

"My thing is i dont care if there fucking i wouldnt mind if they got together my thing is why would u go to him after he claimed he loved me and did me wrong but thats them i kinda dont care ima just stop fucking with them i dont need the negativity"she says i nod and kiss her lips

"I knew ro"i tell her she smiles

"I know your his bestfriend why u didnt tell me"she says i sigh

"Well nolen is my bestfriend but i didnt feel like it was my place and i felt ren was just down bad for that"i tell her she nods

"Its fine give me a kiss"she says i smirk flipping us over i hover over her and smile down at her i kiss her lips she wraps her arms around me

"U can cry ro"i tell her she nods i could see the tears coming she sniffled

"My own sister"she whispers i nod pecking her face

"U gone be alright"i tell her she nods

"That whole time 4 years rek knowing she could have gotten hurt messing with him"she says she didnt care they were messing around just the fact he could have did wat he did to her

"she prolly done with him baby"i tell her she shrugs i knew deep down she cared

"Kiss me"she whispers i obey and kiss her lips my hands slide up against her thighs she moans in ny mouth

"Rek"she moans against my lips i chuckle

"Aww wat yall in here doing"cloe and misha says they both walk in i roll my eyes ro giggles pushing me off of her

"I was trynna have sex with my girl but yall always ruining shit"i say laying back now my dick hard

"Rek im not your girl"ro says with a laugh

"Yeah u are ro"i say with a laugh i pull her on my lap and make her straddle me i grip her hips and flip us over she smiles

"We should go to the movies"ro whispers i smirk

"Watever u wanna do babe"i say and lower my head pecking her lips then neck i stand and so does she

"Yall coming"i ask them

"Were"they ask

"To the movies"ro says excited i was determined to get some pussy by tonight

"Ooohh yes we have to get cute"cloe says i frown

"No we leaving now come on or get left"i say they sigh as we walk down the stairs and into the car

Low DownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora