fucking with mines

333 17 4

Rek P.O.V•

He pulls me in and shuts the door i sit on the couch a little annoyed

"Alright elle and kelsy ill see yall later leave"jay says opening the door they walk out he sits down

"Erek im not cheating on u"she says and stands she climbs in my lap and sits there

"I was at the grocery store and he stopped me he smiled and asked me was i pregnant i nodded my head yes with a smile after shopping i got to the car but he was there he stared at my stomach and held out a knife"she whispers

"I started to cry but he said he knows wat my father did to me and it was a devils child"she whispers

"He told me if i didnt do everything he asked he would kill my baby and noel"she says

"He said if i told anyone it would only make it worse and he would go after ren he knew us by name and everything"she says crying i wrap my arms around

"Its ok ro ill find him"i tell her she nods

"Im scared erek"she whispers i nod and stand i bite my lip thinking i grab her face and peck her lips

"I love u ill be back"i tell her she nods putting her head down

"Im sorry for not telling u"she says i smile

"Im sorry for calling u a cheater ro im sorry for yelling at u"i say she nods i peck her lips

"I love u alright and im sorry for making u feel bad u can tell me anything"i say she nods jay pulled me back

"Fuck"i snap punching the wall i put my head down shaking it i pull my hand out and breath

"Dont do shit stupid"i say to myself i finally calm down i tune back in to everyone

"Im sorry bout that ill fix it"i say

"Come here ro"i say she walks to me i pull her close

"Your gonna be fine i promise id lose my life before i let u lose yours"i say she nods i peck her lips and grab my keys

"Im coming"jay says and te'ron i nod

"Lock the door stay here"i say the girls nod

"Love yall"i mumble

"Rek rek"ro screams i keep walking clearly pissed

"Rek"she says grabbing me she was full blown on crying now

"Rek do-dont go"she says falling into my chest as she crys she hugs me tight

"Do-dont go please rek please"she says i sigh

"I dont wanna be here with anyone but u"she says

"Alright ro ill stay stop crying"i say she nods and sniffles i grab her hand

"Stop crying"i say she nods she grips onto me for dear life

"Rek"she whispers i look down at her and nod

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