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" we are now here to finally put Mister Kevon to rest, is there any last words to be said? " nobody responded and I sat in the back row with squad, Trey rubbed my hand while everyone else silently prayed. "Brittany? Go speak baby." I looked up to see Kevon's mother holding her hand out to help me walk to the casket. When we reached the front she just sat, and I cleared my throat then began to speak. " yes, we were friends. And at a point and time we attempted to explore some more, during that point and time I learned a lot from him. Thank you for that lesson." I quickly went to sit down until I seen Cheyenne get up, "to be honest I have no clue why I'm even here, he used to abuse me & use me only for sex." I never seen someone's mother pop up so fast, I slid out my heels & sprinted to the front. But it was too late, "don't blame my son for you hoeing ways! (Smack)" the smack echoed around the church, I hugged his mother and she apologized for everything he put me through, then lunged at Cheyenne again. "Get that girl out of here ! " Trey lifted the little squirrel looking bitch over her shoulder, and she began kicking and screaming. "That's why I laced his drugs. And I'm pregnant." His mother fainted, and one of his cousins commenced into beating her ass. I felt bad at first, but God don't like ugly and there was an under cover cop waiting on her at the door.

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