Chapter 1

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A Triple Life Chapter 1

Jonathan's POV:

I wake up and I see that I had fell asleep behind my desk. I groggily get up and I see a pen had stuck onto me as I had realized that .... He was writing in it last time. I mean it is me but I'd like to think he is a different person.

I remember everything that had clearly happened yesterday. And so I write it down in this journal. I don't know I get a sadistic side whenever I get to do this. I look back at what I wrote and I cringe.

It was one of those nights. Well I guess tomorrow a new victim has to be get. I guess my friends were just a little to slow to get them. I growl at myself at the thought and I just close my journal. The cover is called De Killer.

I get up from my chair and I get ready for my daily showers. I don't know why I do this in the morning as I get dirty from my day job/night job. I guess being a part raccoon could be a reason why. I sighed as I just step into the shower.

I could feel the dry blood coming off my skin as I slowly scrub myself. I don't know why this doesn't faze me but I think it's because of the years that I have been doing it. Yeah I have been De Killer longer that I have been my day job.

My day job was sort of thing that one of my best friend had said. He saw how bad crime was in Los Santos and he wanted to make a difference. He then told us and we asked what could we do. His parents are very rich scientist and gave us the powers we have today.

My day job is being Batcoon one of the many protectors of Los Santos. He only did it with his closest friends. So it was me, Evan, Brock, Tyler, Craig, Marcel, Lui, and David. He gave most of us an ability to turn into an animal. And we just decided to become heroes. Ironic is it not.

I joined a group of heroes who want to stop crime as I am the one whose making it. I really need to stop finding myself in these situations.

I get out of the showers and I get dressed. Usually I get to have my own schedule as we aren't necessarily all required to be at the scene of the crime. If it gets out of hand we call for back. Today was a day were we all had to be at base.

We were all planning to record something on YouTube as we have jobs on there. We were going to play Gmod prop hunt as its really fun to play. I use the secret teleported I have in my room. I can only activate it as we have our own special teleported. I have the option to make it free for everyone but nah.

Once I get there I had realized that everyone was already set and I was last one as always. I get to my computer and I start it up.

"Jonathan bro what took you so long," Brock said as he was the closest one to my desk.

Brock is a really good friend but he doesn't really know about my secret life. He calls himself Moo Snuckel on YouTube. When Evan was giving our powers he gave him the ability to change into an eagle. He calls himself Early Bird and is Evan's second in command.

"He probably over slept and got his fucking beauty sleep," Tyler said answering his question

Next is Tyler. He is one of the loudest mother fuckers you can ever hear. He calls himself IAmWildcat on YouTube. Evan gave him the power of super strength and he can turn himself into a pig. He can move almost anything with his nose, or just even push something out of the way.

"Haha good one Tyler," Marcel said chuckling.

"Did you bring me my cherrios," Lui squeaked and I shook my head.

Then we have Lui and Marcel. Lui kept his name for YouTube. Lui Calibre. While Marcel calls himself Basicallyidowrk. They both can turn into monkeys. They are know as the Twin Chimps. They can communicate to each other without a communicator and can be very flexible.

"Awwww," he squeaked and I just chuckled.

I log into my computer and get on the game. When I joined the game it was me, Craig, Lui, and Marcel. While on the other team was Evan, Tyler, David, and Moo. We were hunters while they were props.

"Son of a bitch Tyler stop running," Craig yelled as he was shooting down Tyler.

Craig is the British one of the group. He is called Mini Ladd on YouTube. He is formally know as Taxman. He stays back at base a lot and tells us were the crime is happening. He usually wants to join but Wildcat tells him it's to dangerous as he didn't get a power from Evan.

"Focking hell I died," David said as it said Daithdenogla couldn't handle the circumstances.

David is Irish. Pretty much is what I think of him. He calls himself DaithDeNogla on YouTube and he makes a lot of troll videos. He is known as Paperbag Man. Yeah he named himself as he could run at the speed of light.

"Haha of course it would be you Nogla," Evan said.

Evan is the leader of our little group. He is VanossGaming. He is the most famous one of us on YouTube. He can turn himself into an owl and everyone just loves him. He is Night Owl, the protector of Los Santos.

"Gotcha bitch," I said as I shot down Evan.

"Damn you Delirious," he yelled and I laughed.

Delirious is part of my Youtuber name. My full one is H2ODelirious. And this is my life. From something crazy to something calm. Yeah you can say that it could only get worse from here.

This is pretty much and introduction chapter. Yeah I have already decided how this will plan out. This chapter is in Jonathan's POV. Next will be in Batcoons and lastly in De Killers.

I will definitely add random chapters from different POV as you can see what's going on in the world of Heroes and in the world of villains. Yeah I'm going to add some shocks to this shit lol

Anyways chapter one wooooo XD AND AS ALWAYS

With lots of love 💛



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