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Dear Joey, 

Hey... so I have very good news. It is very exciting actually. I think you would love the these news. 

So do you remember when I told you I was going to the hospital to see what the gender of the baby is? Well guess what? 

It's a boy. 

It's a little boy! 

Can you imagine! 

Joey you are having a son!!!!!!

Aren't you happy? I'm so happy! I cried when the doctor told me! My mom, Jocelyn, and your mom were there! They were so happy! You have no idea how I love this. 

There is going to be a smaller you, only this time it's in my belly! I'm so excited. I think I am going to name it Joey. What do you think? 

Good or bad? I actually have to talk about that with my mom. I think she's going to like it. I mean, Joey was a fine name, not that that its your name or anything. Just kidding. It's your name. 

I don't know it's between Joey and Matt. Tell me what you think yeah? 


p.s I don't see a therapist anymore

happiness (sequel to dear joey)Where stories live. Discover now