Chapter 11

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***1 Month Later***
"Baby. I got something to tell you." Mason says. I sit down on my bed and begin my homework. "I'm slipping up." He says. "With school? Grades? Life?" I ask. "No. Us." He says. "What you mean?" I ask confused. "I'm beginning to like Alicia." He says. I stare at him. "And I'm starting to miss my ex, Erica." He continues. "What?" "I can explain." "No. I don't wanna hear it. Go date Alicia." "No! I don't want her. I just like her. I still love you! Nothing between us will change." "Bye Mason." "Rebecca. Please. Listen." "You got 3 seconds." "That's not fair!" "Times up!" "Listen! The reason why I'm starting to like Alicia is because I wanna move up in our relationship with you. Ya know. Kissing. Stuff like that. But, every time you say you'll do it, you get nervous and backdown. Alicia was telling me how she'd kiss me all the time and never backdown from our relationship so I started finding an attraction towards her." He says. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have even thought about her Mason." "Rebecca. You're making this complicated." "Well since I'm complicated and make things complicated, how about I get the steppin out your life." "Rebecca, please." "Bye Mason." And with that, I hung up. I don't understand why I got myself wrapped up and involved with him. I loved him. I was there when nobody else was. And now he likes someone else instead of me? How much sense does that make! I decided to text Amanda and Chelsea.

ME: done w/ boys 4evee


ME: well, Mason likes someone else


ME: Alicia

AMAMDA: which 1 cause both of them ugly

ME: idk and Idc either. I'm done w/ Mason and boys in general


AMANDA: you don't mean that

ME: ya I do

AMANDA: give him another chance

ME: no thanks

CHELSEA: I agree w/ Becca Amanda

AMANDA: aight

ME: I'm gonna go take a nap and cry myself to sleep 😓

CHELSEA: awe ok nite

AMANDA: don't cry over him 😠

ME: I'm not crying over him I'm crying over myself for trusting and believing him

AMANDA: much better nite

ME: nite 😘

After the texting, I put my phone down on my night stand and rolled over. After thinking about everything, I began to cry. I can't believe Mason! What did I do to deserve this?

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