Chapter Four

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I seriously can't stop writing this book. Hope you guys like it! And I don't mean to offend blond's. I love blond's! :D

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After math class, I literally sprinted out the door. I didn't want to face Hunter or anyone for that matter. I knew something would happen. Either he would talk and say something extremely rude to me, or just ignore me.

I wasn't about to take that risk.

So, I went straight to my next class, applied science. Even though it was applied, I was actually good at science. I just wasn't confident enough in my scientific abilities to move up into academic. Oh, well. It was easier anyway. It was kind of funny hearing people mock me in science class. They always murmured, “she shouldn't even be in applied” or “how does she know that?” Its hilarious because I always get a ninety percent or higher on tests or projects. It made me feel good. I love applied science.

When I was halfway there, I realized my bladder. Shit, I have to go pee! I turned around and ran to the washroom. It didn't help running because I was wearing heels. Great day to wear them, eh?

                  “Excuse me,” I kept saying repeatedly. Every one seemed to move out of my way for some reason. When I reached the girls' washroom, I barged into one open stall and I quickly shut the door. While I was peeing, I heard some girls come in. I could see they were applying lip gloss and “poofing” up their hair through the little crack in the door frame. But what they said next really surprised me.

                 “Did you hear what happened today?” Girl number one asked.

                 “No, what?” Girl number two questioned.

                 “About Erica and Hunter?” Girl number one stated anxiously.

                 “Oh my gosh, they didn't...they didn't do it? Did they?” Girl number two said. I cringed at that, I could feel my face scrunch up at that statement.

                 “What? No! Of course not!” Girl number one declared.

           “Then what?” Girl number two was getting restless, I could tell. There was a long pause before girl number two realized what girl number one was talking about.

         “Oh. My. God. They went skinny dipping?”

What the hell? I thought.

             “No, you retard! They broke up!” Girl number one cried.

            “Oh! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I know why! I know why they broke up!” Girl number two said.

          “Really? Why?” Girl number one asked, leaning against the sink, now applying more mascara that was needed.

             “He likes me! He totally likes me. That's why. He's always wanted me, I knew it.” Girl number two announced.

                “Yeah, right. Gosh Tasha you're so dumb. Hunter West is the hottest guy in school. Why would he like you?” Girl number one asked, jealousy creeping into her voice.

                “Because, I'm hot.” Tasha said.

              The conversation ended there. No comment, I guess.

           I could only see girl number one through the crack. She was a brunette wearing extremely short shorts. And her friend wasn't any better. When they left I could see the back of Tasha's head. She was a blond. That explains it.


When I got to my science class, it was full. Luckily I wasn't late. Class had just started. Unfortunately, Mrs. Jameson was already up in front of the classroom.

              “Miss Current, how nice of you to join us. Take a seat, please.” Mrs. Jameson demanded.

I did as advised, and sat down. Right when Mrs. Jameson was about to speak, the classroom phone interrupted her. She scowled, and walked over to the phone. Every time the phone rang, every one in the room listened in. It was rare that the phone rang.

                 “Hello?” Mrs. Jameson said. “Oh?” she said. “Alright, well send him down then.” There was a short pause, until she continued. “Okay, I will inform them all. Thank you.”

Mrs. Jameson hung up the phone, and stalked back to the front of the classroom. For once, the class was all ears, even me.

         “I have an announcement,” she started. I could have sworn I saw people lean in to listen. It was really rare that the phone rang. “We will be receiving a new student today. Well not really new, but new to applied science.” Just then, the door swung open and someone walked in. Now, I was seated way in the back of the class, and the wall was covering the entrance to the doorway. At first, I didn't really care who was the new student. It was obviously someone from the academic science. Too stupid, I thought to myself. I did a mental snicker. I was mean. But what someone doesn't know couldn't hurt them, right?

      “Welcome, Mr.?” Mrs. Jameson asked politely. I kept my head down in my book, trying to review notes that I really didn't need. They were all too easy anyways.

          “West. Hunter West, actually.”

My head shot up then. Hunter? In applied science? You've got to be kidding me!

        “Well Mr. West, you can sit...” Mrs. Jameson trailed off, scanning the room for any vacant desks. I saw a whole lot of girls move their stuff over to make it look like there was room, but really, there wasn't. Then I noticed the desk a meter away from mine was empty. I didn't spare a moment. I grabbed my pencil case and science book and tried to place it on the desk. Mrs. Jameson spotted me, and gave me a disapproving glare. I must've looked pretty stupid trying to place my books and pencil case on the desk.

         “Beside Lauren. I'm sure she will aid you today.” Every one in the room knew Hunter and I hated each other. So when Mrs. Jameson – the idiot she is – placed Hunter beside me, the whole room started to flip out their phones and text their friends. 'Freaking great! I thought.

Hunter walked slowly to his new desk. I didn't look at him, instead I looked out the window. But I could feel him looking at me. He was probably staring me down. I could feel his eyes digging into the side of my face. This day couldn't get any worse, right?

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