Part Six.

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I was staring forward while Peej and I were walking to the house of Dan and Phil. As I peeked at my housemate, I saw him deepened in his thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" I was just curious, I knew the question kind of came out of nowhere, but I couldn't help myself.
PJ sighed as he looked me in the eyes, his neutral expression. He stopped walking.
"Hey, Chris?" He said, as if I hadn't notice that he wanted to talk with me.
"What's it?" I felt a smile crawling up on my lips.
"Do you want to know the reason why we're going to Dan and Phil's?" I frowned,
To play video games?
To record a video?
To laugh and talk together?
To make fun!
Isn't the answer obvious?
"Sure." I cleared my throat, preparing myself for the worst.
But what was the worst?
"Read the text." He handed me his phone, for the very first time since we had been living together.
"Okay?" I started reading it with a frown, getting more confused and confused.
"I don't understand more from that than you do, believe me." PJ said as I gave him back his phone.
"But.. You're going to tell me what he told you, right?" I asked him, almost begged him, since I was really curious. And knowing PJ, so was he.
"Of course. Trust me." He showed me a cute grin and walked further.
"Peej, wait!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm.
"How can I distract Phil?" He turned to me and shrugged,
"Just improvise.. I don't know.. Do something unexpectedly, and then tell him you want to talk about it or something.. Just tell Dan and me to leave, that you want to talk with him alone."

Something unexpectedly?
I know something.
It's madness,
But it is a chance, an opportunity I can take, plus, I won't be lying to Phil in this conversation.

"Got it." I smiled and we walked further, fortunately, we left early, so we could still make it in time.
"So what are you gonna do?" I heard Peej asking me.
"If I tell you, you won't be surprised." I grinned at him and Dan and Phil's apartment appeared in front of us sooner than we could realize.

- - -


As we were welcomed inside their apartment, I made eye contact with Dan, hoping that Phil wouldn't notice.
Dan was kind of acting suspiciously.
'Let's get you something to drink.'?
We never get something to drink first whenever we visit Dan and Phil.
We just grab a cola out of the fridge during whatever we're doing, probably playing video games.
I saw Phil making some sort of frown, but he followed Dan to the kitchen anyway.
I could hear them talking softly, but I didn't really care what they were saying.
"C'mon, Chris." I smiled at Chris as I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, taking our usual spots on the couch.
I was looking at Chris, he looked calm and confident, so I was sure that he made up something what would work.
"Just wait until they finish talking, then we know that they're coming back." After he said this, I noticed his hand was shaking a little what made me frown. I started feeling nervous for some reason as I heard Dan and Phil approaching. Chris suddenly pulled me closer, holding my shirt, closer and closer, until our lips touched. My eyes widened,
Was this his plan?
I felt my cheeks blossoming as I closed my eyes and kissed him back.
I'm kissing him back.
Why on earth would I kiss him back?!
What's wrong with me?
I opened my eyes and pushed Chris away quickly, we stared for each other for less than a second since Chris broke the stare by looking at Dan and Phil who were just standing there with their eyes bigger than usual. I now looked at them as well.
"Well. This is awkward." I slowly said as I cleared my throat.
Dan laughed as Phil just awkwardly stood there.
"I knew it!" Dan yelled happily as he put down the plate with drinks.
"Wait.. You knew it?" Phil looked confused at him,
"Of course! Isn't it obvious? Don't tell me you never noticed!" Phil sat down while looking at Dan.
"I didn't .. Really notice." Phil chuckled and I saw Dan giving him the Howell stare again.
I looked at Chris,

You really need to 'talk' to Phil now.

Complicated Love (PHAN/ DanxPhil)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt